Has anyone ever heard of these guys? I've turned down their order, but I'm curious to know what anyone knows about them in case they contact me again. I've never heard of them before and I can't find out anything because they didn't even put an address or telephone number on their order request... big alarms going off about that practice. I mean, who doesn't even put their address, title, and phone number on their email requests for information? All their email said was that they wanted my "best price" and TAT. They included the County and the address of the property, along with the name of the owner of the property, but that's all. That Mississippi county is pretty remote, there are two county seats, and you cannot get into the office between 12 and 1. I have work on my desk right now for completion and am not going to stop and tear off to this county to pull one document and then have to chase it down and spend time trying to collect it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.
Dianne W. Barnidge
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