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Carly Wright's Blog

5 Ways to Save Money on Worker's Comp
by Carly Wright | 2014/02/26 |

In an office, danger lurks around every shelf, machine and desk. Of course, some businesses are more susceptible to the falls of workers compensation than others. In the end though no one is immune and accidents happen. And if the unthinkable does happen, your company will take the hit. Works Comp insurance is a necessary part of the corporate world, but in general, businesses spend way too much on insurance for multiple reasons ranging from errors to ignorance. Thankfully there is something you can do about it.

Set up a Safety plan

Being prepared is the best way to prevent and properly handle a work related accident. Having a well-designed safety plan not only decreases the amount of incidents, but having a recorded safety procedures can help in lowering premiums with most insurance providers.  Some ideas for your safety plan:

  • Provide a written explanation and detailed plan for every employee.
  • Ensure the completed plan is plainly visible and accessible.
  • Conduct annual safety trainings
  • Perform scheduled inspections and safety drills
  • Offer emergency training such as CPR and first aid to employees.

Create an Incident Report plan

If your company is a higher risk environment, creating an incident report plan can lower the severity of injuries and help employees from being exposed to potentially dangerous situations. The main things to focus on in an incident report plan are:

  • Proper procedure for a first responder
  • Establish relationships with healthcare providers for fast and proper employee care.

Establish a Drug Free Workplace

Did you know that according to the substance Abuse Health Services Administrations, "employed drug abusers cost their employers about twice as much in medical and worker compensation claims as their drug-free coworkers." It is crucial for any business looking to save money and ensure the safety of their employees to be a drug free environment. Ways this can be achieved is through screening new hires and conduct random drug testing on current employees.

Outsource Dangerous Jobs

In some cases, it makes better financial sense to outsource the most dangerous operations. The main thing to consider with this is making sure the outsourced vendor doesn't cost more than what you're saving.  Between a high amount of premiums and multiple claims, sending the danger somewhere else is your best bet.

Take Proper Care of Claims

Errors, both human and machine, are always a risk and can cause you a fortune if big enough. Anything from not closing the claim on time, an oversight or simple data entry error can cause extra money. While you may think you can stay on top of it, using a third-party company like Brown & Theis, LLP can help ensure that your claims are filed in a timely, accurate manner.

Employee safety is the most important thing and should never be taken lightly. That being said, there is no reason you should spend unnecessary money when you shouldn't have to. Being prepared and having the proper knowledge will help keep your employees safe along with saving your company money. 

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