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9/23/2016 7:20:54 PM (2796 views)
9/23/2016 9:14:02 PM (1968 views)
9/23/2016 10:09:28 PM (2022 views)

Swot Title Services - Roberta Dean/IN
9/22/2016 3:41:02 PM (2793 views)

Background Check - Ted Nilius/MN
9/21/2016 6:00:02 PM (3005 views)
Re: Background Check - Craig Honeker/AZ
9/21/2016 6:15:18 PM (2141 views)
Re: Background Check - rhonda lippencott/TN
10/3/2016 7:31:41 AM (1893 views)
Re: Background Check - rhonda lippencott/TN
10/3/2016 7:31:47 AM (1802 views)
Re: Background Check - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2016 8:07:20 AM (2043 views)
Re: Background Check - Dan Zook/NY
9/22/2016 3:54:51 PM (2269 views)
Re: Background Check - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2016 8:01:30 PM (1996 views)
Re: Background Check - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:46:54 PM (1756 views)
background check - Dan Zook/NY
9/22/2016 3:54:54 PM (2015 views)
Re: Background Check - Nils Nelson/ME
9/23/2016 9:17:28 PM (2341 views)
Re: Background Check - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/26/2016 12:56:15 PM (1992 views)
Re: Background Check - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2016 11:27:55 PM (1965 views)
Background Checks Spread to Abstractors - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
9/29/2016 7:59:12 AM (2128 views)
Re: Background Checks Spread to Abstractors - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:43:02 PM (1787 views)
Re: Background Check - Larry Platt/PA
10/3/2016 8:39:24 AM (1861 views)
Re: Background Check - Beverly Murch/VA
10/3/2016 1:02:50 PM (1795 views)
Re: Background Check - Richard Primmer/RI
10/3/2016 3:32:01 PM (1809 views)
Re: Background Check - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:39:36 PM (1897 views)
Re: Background Check - george Hubka/MI
10/10/2016 7:03:47 AM (1884 views)
Re: Background Check - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:44:44 PM (1886 views)
Re: Background Check - Linda Adams/MI
10/11/2016 11:28:47 AM (1802 views)
Re: Background Check - Randi Erickson/MN
10/15/2016 2:17:58 PM (4850 views)
Re: Background Check - Anthony BROWNN/VA
10/24/2016 10:50:06 AM (1820 views)

I own a national title company. I hire abstractors and notaries all the time. I have not had one lender ever ask who is closing my loan or to provide background checks or who did the search. All they want to see is a copy of my E & O policy and a copy of my title license. I also get calls and emails daily from signing companies telling me if I use them, they will take care of making sure that all notaries have a background check annually. This is a sales technique, a way for companies to make more money at your expense and it is not required by any state or government agency which I tell them is not required so using them actually costs me more money than going right to you the notary and cutting them out. ALTA came out with ALTAs Best Practices and they ( Mostly the salesmen for the companies that provide the services to insure compliance with best practices )have been trying to convince everyone that their ideas are the law. ALTA is a trade association and they do not have the ability to force its ideas on state, federal, or local governments, Banks, Lenders, Mortgage companies, Signing agents, Notary's, Abstractors, Title companies or any other private business. Here is the bottom line.  It is not required and I tell them no. The funny thing is they all still use me and they will use you too. What is better, to use a notary or abstractor for ten years with no claims or to use a notary or abstractor with a current background check who may not even know how to do their jobs. Stand your ground and choose to not believe the goods they are selling. Look at your bottom line. Do they really know how many employees you have?, do they really know who is doing the work? This is the problem with the whole system. I can hire anyone that has credentials but in the end, I have no idea who did the work and they won't either. I am a current member of ALTA and I am not against them or their ideas or thoughts but please also remember that half of the board and 95% of their money comes from underwriters so the lobby and employees are going to be for those that support their families or pay checks. It is in an underwriters best interest to make you do these things as it reduces their liability for claims which at least makes sense from an underwriters prospective. We also know that all the underwriters off shore work to India as they contact me daily begging me to send them work and do not follow the same rules they want us to follow. This creates an unfair advantage, first they will work for pennies on the dollar, then they can bypass all of the state and federal rules as they work in another county. How can you sue someone who works online from home in India for breaking US law when they never stepped foot in our county all over a $10 current owner title search? All the info we see as abstractors is public info online available to anyone. I could see some liability as to personal private financial info for a licensed notary but please keep in mind that the state that regulates that has already done a background check or you would not be a notary. Now your being told that the state background check and process is not acceptable? I have also noticed that the underwriters are buying up all of the business that provide these services in an effort to gain profit. In the end, if a client picks my company to handle their settlement, I already follow every state and federal law and the lender is off the hook as they did not send any business to me and the client has a legal right to pick whoever they want to handle their settlement. When I get audited, I am asked what I am doing to follow Best Practices by my underwriter. My answer is, I am doing nothing as it is not required by any state or federal agency and then I am told by them that it is coming. . I let them know that if they are not happy that I get calls from underwriters almost daily asking me to transfer my business to them. The bottom line is this. I mail in checks daily to them and they make money on me and there is really very little liability on them. I go and find the clients, I do the work, they really only insure for title errors and if it would be my fault or the fault of a vendor of mine if we make an error or break a law or rule, they file a claim against my E & O policy so they do not pay the claim if it is my fault. If I were to break a law or rule, my assumption is that I would be liable and they would sue not the underwriter as they have nothing to do with my opperation other than allow me to mail them checks and sell their title insurance. I hope this helps put this issue of background checks to rest as it is really not debatable. The last thing on this topic is this. If a client sends you alot of business and you are scared of losing that business, look at how much work they send you and then deceide if the cost to comply with their request is justified. Will you still make a profit? You can also tell them you will but you will have to raise the cost to compy and pass the cost along to them. How much to do bet if you raise your price, the orders go down? This means they want you to work for less really and reduce their risk of potential claims which is really non exsistant. Lastly, I reccoment that you join a land title association and keep watch on what is going on so you will be informed and can work against or for an item it if you believe that this is not or for your best interest. You have a voice so make sure you let your congress state and federal representives know what you want and do not want. If noone oppose's an item, it is easy to get support in congress. If they get alot of calls against something, they will not vote for it unless they get alot of money from a lobby to support it but in the end, they need to be re-elected so your voice can kill a potential bill. Please also know that at present the CFPB has been ruled unconstitional. It was the only govenment agency that made 100% of its funding from finding fault with those that it governed which I believe is unfair as they need to increase regulation so they can get paid. I think you can agree that there are those who do break the rules and need to be dealt with but if it is important to the people, then provide the money needed to support the agenct so that its funding does not come from those it governs as this seems unfair. God Bless, Keep your head up and continue to do the good work you do. Where would any state of national title company be with out you. They cannot do it without YOU, never underestimate your value.

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ALTA Required : Background Checks - Joseph Hirsch, 3rd/PA
10/17/2016 10:34:15 AM (1935 views)

American Documents and Title - Jason Knowles/AL
9/21/2016 10:22:19 AM (2632 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - Larry Platt/PA
10/3/2016 8:42:20 AM (1832 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - Andrew Spirito/RI
10/3/2016 7:17:22 PM (1992 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - Jason Knowles/AL
10/4/2016 5:02:22 PM (1803 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - george Hubka/MI
10/10/2016 7:05:35 AM (1676 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - Amber Binick/MD
11/4/2016 2:39:01 PM (1562 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - Jason Knowles/AL
11/4/2016 2:40:14 PM (1546 views)
Re: American Documents and Title - george Hubka/MI
11/6/2016 10:08:21 PM (1459 views)

9/19/2016 6:52:38 PM (12067 views)
9/26/2016 8:34:21 AM (1841 views)
9/26/2016 9:34:02 AM (1928 views)
9/26/2016 6:25:42 PM (2018 views)
3/27/2017 5:54:30 PM (1516 views)
10/3/2016 8:49:37 AM (1672 views)
10/3/2016 10:11:12 AM (1831 views)

Real Title Services

Indus Abstract Services LLC - Russ  Kern/GA
9/15/2016 3:46:36 PM (2343 views)
Re: Indus Abstract Services LLC - Allen Bruce/OH
9/16/2016 7:31:13 AM (2272 views)
Re: Indus Abstract Services LLC - Russ  Kern/GA
9/16/2016 7:35:04 AM (2385 views)

Now hiring in New York - Dan Zook/NY
9/15/2016 1:30:45 PM (2164 views)
Re: Now hiring in New York - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
9/16/2016 9:34:48 AM (1765 views)
Re: Now hiring in New York - Dan Zook/NY
9/16/2016 10:06:36 AM (1777 views)
Re: Now hiring in New York - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
9/16/2016 11:45:47 AM (1757 views)
Re: Now hiring in New York - Mike Anderson/NY
11/22/2016 3:39:55 PM (1405 views)

Servicelink - Chris Hohenfels/VA
9/15/2016 6:42:30 AM (3672 views)
Re: Servicelink - Russ  Kern/GA
9/15/2016 3:49:28 PM (2676 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
9/15/2016 8:20:08 PM (2453 views)
Re: Servicelink - John Rawlings/WI
9/19/2016 9:58:36 AM (2318 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
9/19/2016 9:38:33 PM (2351 views)
Re: Servicelink - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
9/21/2016 10:27:06 AM (2185 views)
Re: Servicelink - Roberta Dean/IN
9/22/2016 3:29:59 PM (2145 views)
Re: Servicelink - Kenneth Signor/SC
9/26/2016 5:20:24 AM (2113 views)
Re: Servicelink - John Baker/OH
9/26/2016 8:31:29 AM (2041 views)
Re: Servicelink - Christine Johnson/NC
9/26/2016 3:38:37 PM (2063 views)
Re: Servicelink - Nancy Noblitt/AL
9/26/2016 7:37:04 PM (1992 views)
Re: Servicelink - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2016 11:08:11 PM (1973 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - WAYNE QUICK/NC
10/3/2016 7:55:53 AM (2030 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:51:47 PM (1782 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - WAYNE QUICK/NC
10/3/2016 5:31:01 PM (1917 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
10/4/2016 11:38:26 AM (1944 views)
Re: Servicelink - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:55:06 PM (1866 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
10/10/2016 10:13:35 PM (1719 views)

Comment on "Black Kinight: Purchase Mortgage Volume Highest Since 2007" - Source of Title/OH
9/13/2016 9:32:28 PM (2259 views)
Notary Public/Signing Agent - Thelma Perry/MI
9/13/2016 9:32:28 PM (2944 views)
Re: Notary Public/Signing Agent - Kurt deVries/FL
9/14/2016 11:56:55 AM (2934 views)
Re: Comment on "Black Kinight: Purchase Mortgage Volume Highest Since 2007" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:56:15 PM (2501 views)

Workload - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/13/2016 10:51:47 AM (2620 views)
Re: Workload - sharon tornes/MN
9/18/2016 1:05:28 PM (1994 views)
Re: Workload - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/19/2016 12:57:56 PM (1848 views)
Re: Workload - WAYNE QUICK/NC
9/19/2016 6:23:59 AM (1798 views)
Two generations of feast or famine - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
9/19/2016 7:47:12 AM (1877 views)
Re: Two generations of feast or famine - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/19/2016 1:03:08 PM (1788 views)
Re: Workload - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/19/2016 11:09:24 AM (1707 views)
Re: Workload - Larry Platt/PA
10/3/2016 8:51:16 AM (1613 views)
Re: Workload - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:57:12 PM (1593 views)

Nova Business Capital - Austin Whitaker/NJ
9/12/2016 1:51:28 PM (2042 views)
Re: Nova Business Capital - Kurt deVries/FL
9/12/2016 2:16:52 PM (1772 views)
Re: Nova Business Capital - A-K ./CO
9/18/2016 9:30:18 PM (1608 views)

Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Carol Clark/NY
9/12/2016 11:37:23 AM (3701 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Deborah Zitelli/PA
9/12/2016 3:38:12 PM (2084 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Carol Clark/NY
9/12/2016 6:37:44 PM (2040 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Kurt deVries/FL
9/13/2016 10:00:53 AM (1956 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Rene Blevins/VA
9/19/2016 9:23:26 AM (1877 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - mollie cardell/SC
9/19/2016 12:17:57 PM (1746 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Ardenmine Solutions/AK
12/6/2016 3:40:10 PM (1667 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - mollie cardell/SC
12/7/2016 8:17:44 AM (1672 views) I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/12/2016 10:17:21 AM (2475 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - David Bloys/TX
9/12/2016 6:54:47 PM (1807 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/12/2016 9:25:09 PM (1760 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - David Bloys/TX
9/13/2016 7:08:20 AM (1672 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/13/2016 7:15:23 AM (1666 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Patrick Scott/IL
9/13/2016 6:51:13 PM (1631 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/13/2016 6:53:58 PM (1627 views)

Westcor for AZ (update) - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
9/9/2016 1:46:09 PM (1433 views)

US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Douglas  McEvoy/KY
9/8/2016 2:44:07 PM (2210 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Jim Basgier/VA
9/12/2016 4:41:38 AM (1612 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Daniel Silverburg/CA
9/12/2016 8:05:01 AM (1753 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Douglas  McEvoy/KY
9/13/2016 12:44:47 PM (1534 views)

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