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[+] Anyone there? - William Duncan/SC (2 replies)
10/18/2021 9:53:23 AM (1694 views)

[+] Requiring Full E&R for Last Owner Searches - Bruce Lutz/PA (39 replies)
10/4/2021 1:57:10 PM (2219 views)

Priority Title & Escrow, LLC - Smitty Strickland/SC
10/2/2021 5:26:51 PM (1646 views)

[+] Free Metes and Bounds online sofware - Heidi Gemeling/FL (14 replies)
9/29/2021 7:54:29 PM (1795 views)

Los Angeles County - October 1st - Dan Zook/NY
9/28/2021 7:52:23 PM (1338 views)

[+] Low Volume - Jason Roy/DE (8 replies)
9/27/2021 11:46:50 AM (2056 views)

[+] Union, NC - Ana Rosen/PA (3 replies)
9/16/2021 2:55:31 PM (1546 views)

[+] ALTERNATIVE FAX NUMBER - Heidi Gemeling/FL (4 replies)
9/13/2021 5:07:42 PM (1304 views)

[+] NobleServe,LLC - Smitty Strickland/SC (2 replies)
9/13/2021 5:00:51 PM (2045 views)

[-] ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Dan Zook/NY (6 replies)
9/9/2021 12:48:14 PM (1696 views)
Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - William Duncan/SC
9/10/2021 11:40:16 AM (2220 views)
Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Dan Zook/NY
9/10/2021 5:41:55 PM (2069 views)
Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Jolene Crofoot/MN
9/13/2021 12:16:25 PM (1999 views)
Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Erich Wiedel/MD
9/20/2021 9:01:49 AM (1939 views)
Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Alix Ott/MI
9/28/2021 9:24:07 AM (1927 views)

I'm not the company bookkeeper so I'm not even sure about what I'm talking about!  (Some things never change...)  But why are you using a service?  Don't you just send ACH info to the client and the bank informs you of payments?  We don't use any service at all. We do ACH in and out via our bank (which is free).  The bookkeeper keeps track of that via Quickbooks (like everything else) and I have the ultimate "release" fob when ACH needs to be approved and released to the abstractors.

I won't swear to it, but I think Eve (bookkeeper and my good right hand) spends about 2 hours a week on bookkeeping and the rest is general order processing.

What am I missing?

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Re: ACH,, Venmo, Paypal etc. - Dan Zook/NY
9/28/2021 6:58:28 PM (7299 views)

[+] CRYPTOCURRENCY AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS - Heidi Gemeling/FL (10 replies)
9/8/2021 8:01:04 AM (1522 views)

[+] Vermont appointments and fees - Ana Rosen/PA (3 replies)
9/7/2021 5:35:19 PM (1337 views)

JMT Doucment Services - Carlyle Millard/WV
9/1/2021 9:36:18 PM (1229 views)

[+] Turning Houses into Corporations - Robert Franco/OH (7 replies)
8/26/2021 8:35:17 AM (1839 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies Non-Payer - Ron Beavers/FL (4 replies)
8/17/2021 2:04:25 PM (1660 views)

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