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William Pattison 's Blog

BRASS Services is going out of business after years of service....
by William Pattison | 2017/06/19 |

Brass services is dissolving as a business as of the date of this entry. This is due to the death of our majority shareholder, Shane Mohler, who has been going through some serious health problems the last few years. His wife Jennifer felt that BRASS was Shane's business and should end with him.

William Pattison 's Blog ::

Brass services is dissolving as a business as of the date of this entry. This is due to the death of our majority shareholder, Shane Mohler, who has been going through some serious health problems the last few years. His wife Jennifer felt that BRASS was Shane's business and should end with him.

This also mean that this is our last blog on Source of Title. We would like to thank all those who commented and shared their thoughts on the subjects explored on this blog. Good bye and good works....


181 words | 4789 views | 4 comments | log in or register to post a comment

My condolences...

My condolences on the passing of Shane.  Thank you for your contributions to Source of Title and for being a long-time member of the community.  

Robert A. Franco

by Robert Franco | 2017/06/20 | log in or register to post a reply

My condolences on Shane's passing

I am sorry to hear about Shane's passing.  My condolences also.

 Is this the same Shane that used to work in the San Mateo recorder's office?  

Dan Silverburg

Pacific Corporate & Title Services/First Corporate Solutions 

by Daniel Silverburg | 2017/07/08 | log in or register to post a reply

Shane's Passing

Dan: Yes it is the same Shane who used to work in the recorder's office.  Thank you for your thoughts.

Robert: Thank you.  Shane always loved interacting with the Source of Title community and helping to write the blogs.


Jenny Colby

Member of BRASS Services 


by William Pattison | 2017/09/15 | log in or register to post a reply

I conduct all kinds financial and business loan funding transactions
I conduct all kinds financial and business loan funding transactions with individuals and companies across all sectors locally and internationally, we are at your service. All kinds of financial service Contact: davephilip12@gmail.com
by Dave Philip | 2019/03/11 | log in or register to post a reply
William Pattison 's Blog



Recent Comments

I conduct all kinds financial and business loan funding transactions with individuals and companies ...
by Dave Philip
Dan: Yes it is the same Shane who used to work in the recorder's office.  Thank you for your th...
by William Pattison
I am sorry to hear about Shane's passing.  My condolences also. Is this the same Shane tha...
by Daniel Silverburg
My condolences on the passing of Shane.  Thank you for your contributions to Source of Title an...
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It certainly appears to be an attack on local title companies and examiners and outlines what he ha...
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YOU ARE INCORRECT. Same sex marriage is the cause. It requires the legal redefinition of marri...
by Michael Russo
Great article Mr. Pattison, very well put....
by Daniel Silverburg

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