I doubt that you even had clients that did not pay you. I think all of you may have given yourselves bonuses when a check came in and to heck with the researcher. Isn't it illegal to request a title search, order the research from a contractor, have a client post it to their HUD to the buyers and charge the buyers the fee without paying the search fee??? Isn't RESPA applicable here? Are there any good attorneys out there who can answer this.
And Ben, you were complicit in all of this. You are playing the victim and no one believes you. You should have gone out and found 2 or 3 jobs to support yourself but you chose lie down with the dogs. What kind of man are you. I have never been duped by someone so glib. I have a new way of looking at the real estate world now, thanks to you. I swear you will pay for this one day.
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