Just back from a short vacation & took a look at the mortgage chain for this.
The Restrictions in the deed are quite clear - any refinancing needs the consent of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In all the refis, all by the same lender, I found only one consent filed in the ROD. The owner paid 135K for the unit and the total o/s mortgage obligations at the time of the foreclosure were around 315K, which clearly is in violation of the affordability restrictions in the deed. I looked at some other, non-affordable units and the mortgage amounts were similar to the prior owner's, so I am guessing that the prior owner's mortgage were way out of line in terms of affordability.
What is unusual is that it was the same lender who refinanced this loan & did equity lines for the borrower as well - so underwriting had to have known about the affordability clause.
I believe the Commonwealth's argument is that the mortgage(s) were invalid by virtue of the affordability restrictions & thus have no effect against the unit (not the owner).
The litigation will probably take forever and a day, but it will be interesting to see who prevails.
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