There are too many variables with this requirement. I send a fax and pages stick together, if I quickly ad the page to the end of the fax am I penalized?, if I stop the fax and start over and they have already received the fax, am I penalized?, If I didn't notice that pages stuck together and the fax goes thru with missing documents, am I penalized? so they say they will review matters in a case by case manner. So how much time is spent then arguing for your $5. Apparently they feel their time is more valuable than ours. They feel they have all the control because they are writing the check. It makes sense to try and fax documents in a specific order and even to request it, but to apply a penalty fee...I don't think so...unless of course I could apply their logic to my life as a consumer and start deducting $5 for every time things were not efficiently handle, causing me to waste my time and money....wait I could be a millionaire!
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