The media appear to have finally picked a fight because of slow news days. Who knows if they'll go "deeper". Most of their reporting on the topic gets it wrong anyway. They ask the wrong question: "When was the last time you killed your father?"-style questions, ignoring that the guy's still alive and in need of assistance. You know what I mean.
It seems that bloggers get at the truth better, but it takes the media to pick up on a blog topic and run with it, only to bring it down the wrong paths. Who knows if we'll ever, as a society, get to the heart of the current matters, much less some speculative future investigations.
Heck, frige communities have been saying for years that there needs to be an audit of the Federal Reserve, but that has never happened and I'll bet that it never will happen.
You are correct in your assessment. Do not act knowingly with wrongdoings. Ask questions and stay informed about what you are asked to do. Get things in writing. Have good, well-written contracts with good disclosures and disclaimers in place. Work with reputable organizations (i.e. know your client). Stay abreast of industry and national news affecting you.
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