Perhaps they would like to go to the Registry & record it themselves, ensuring that it gets on when they want it to & they could save themselves some bigs bucks as well with no examiner fees to pay. No - not interested in that option - thought not. I used to record in all the Registries I covered, but not anymore. The hang around & wait for funding thing is impossible to work around, especially since I've also got clients who want their title work done. Also in some registries you have to punch in & get a number, deli-style, & then wait to be called to the counter which just adds to the misery. I was in Cambridge one unhappy morning, punched in my number at 11.30 in the morning & by 1.30 still had not been called to the counter (slower than slow in Cambridge). I turned my back to the recording screen for 2 minutes to write up some schedules & when I turned around my number had been called, but since they literally only wait for 1 minute for you to get to the counter, they went right past me & on to the next number which meantI had to start all over again. Now I farm out all my out of county recordings - life is too short ...
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