Constance: I have done about 40-50 cases that were supposed to be for the 750kv line that was going to be run from Northern Virginia to West Virginia- ( all of the ones I did were in Loudoun County and all were for easement rights to go over pcls near Dulles Airport- )
They were all 60 year searches and most of the property was commercial-The charges were agreed on at $250 per pcl- I informed all the parties of this "before"' I was given the go-ahead- it took months to get paid- they balked at what was done mostly- , as though I just never informed them clearly-which was exactly the opposite of what was done- I gave the proposed fee charges and time frames- they just got picky after they got the cases delivered.Of course I was going thru two middle entities as it turned out- not a good idea , after I went through all of that- next time- get everything I writing so they know what it will entail.I had the same problem with VEPCO not knowing exactly what they really wanted - strange they done know this by now!!!
Write to me with any other questions- (BTW__they did eventually pay for all the searches- just took months)
Steve Meinecke
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