I made a couple updates overnight.
--When you post a message in the forums, there is a new checkbox, "notify me of replies". If you leave that checked, you will get an email if and when someone replies to your post, with a link that will take you to their reply.
You'll only get notification of direct replies to your posts. You won't get notification of replies to the replies of your posts, for example.
I set all existing message posts to notify the user of replies, so as of now, if someone replies to something old you posted, you'll be notified. I think it makes sense to do it that way, but if anyone has objections to that, then I may have to change that.
As of now, I haven't provided an option to allow you to not receive these notifications by default. If anyone requests this, I will add this option.
--There is now a FaceBook like button and a LinkedIn share button on blog posts and articles.
I've briefly tested both of these features, but there could still be some kinks to work out. If you encounter any glitches or error messages, as always I appreciate any bug reports, my email address is slade (at) sourceoftitle.com, or simply click the envelope on this post.
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