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[+] Lexington County South Carolina - Smitty Strickland/SC (1 reply)
3/17/2020 5:26:22 PM (1542 views)

[+] County Only Accepting E-recording - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
3/16/2020 7:47:34 PM (1582 views)

[+] Supply and Demand - William Duncan/CA (3 replies)
3/16/2020 1:41:12 PM (1692 views)

Clerk closures - Los Angeles & Orange CA - Dan Zook/NY
3/16/2020 10:44:54 AM (1208 views)

Hocking County, Ohio - stephen willard/OH
3/16/2020 9:57:20 AM (1144 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Fees - ELLEN MITSLER/TX (2 replies)
3/12/2020 7:25:38 PM (1816 views)

[+] Probate Court Richland County SC - Smitty Strickland/SC (1 reply)
3/12/2020 3:55:07 PM (1700 views)

[+] Insight Title - Jason Knowles/AL (5 replies)
3/12/2020 2:53:22 PM (1699 views)

[-] Fulton County GA Old Copy - Rickea James/AL (2 replies)
3/11/2020 10:59:41 AM (1485 views)

Hello, I used to live in Fulton County and never had to go get an older document. Now I am in need of a document recorded in 1986. I called to get the copy fee since I was sending my sister. I was told $25. Then I was told $10 for the first page and $2.00 for each additional page. I am used to copies ranging for $.10 cents to a $1.00 per page. I have dealt with counties all over GA, AL and SC. I am trying to see if anyone works Fulton County on a regular so I can send my sister the right amount for a 2 to 3 page document.


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Re: Fulton County GA Old Copy - Kelly Alls/GA
3/15/2020 3:18:52 PM (1496 views)
Re: Fulton County GA Old Copy - Rickea James/AL
3/21/2020 11:39:53 PM (1430 views)

Outsourcing? - Jordan Allen/TX
3/10/2020 1:27:59 PM (1702 views)

[+] Cornavirus - Dan Zook/NY (1 reply)
3/9/2020 1:39:06 PM (2534 views)

[+] Lawyer Client - Smitty Strickland/SC (3 replies)
3/5/2020 4:39:57 PM (1967 views)

[+] Order or not an order? - Debi Merrill/TN (7 replies)
3/4/2020 2:04:45 PM (2753 views)

deedotllc.com - Smitty Strickland/SC
3/2/2020 7:56:58 PM (1621 views)

[+] Order Management Platforms - William Duncan/NC (7 replies)
2/29/2020 4:55:27 PM (1978 views)

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