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[+] Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Bruce Lutz/PA (11 replies)
12/11/2020 3:09:40 PM (2675 views)

[-] Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL (6 replies)
12/7/2020 4:04:09 PM (2307 views)
Re: Title Freelancer - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/14/2020 3:34:09 PM (2092 views)
Re: Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL
12/14/2020 7:00:56 PM (2101 views)
Re: Title Freelancer - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/14/2020 7:36:58 PM (2078 views)
Re: Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL
12/14/2020 7:49:26 PM (2061 views)

I did sign up as a Freelance provider, and they did send me some notices that they had some work available. But that is where I was not able to get any further on their website. I mean, that is where I couldn't get to a point where I could view the specifics of the work they said was available, and I couldn't figure out how to accept or reject the work. And now you are telling me that they don't pay much. I believe you, and I have pretty much decided to drop this as a resource for more work, unless somehow in the future they clearly show me that they have work that is worth doing, that they will pay, and how to use their website. But for now at least, I am not going to take this any further. Thank you for your input.

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Re: Title Freelancer - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/15/2020 10:30:41 AM (2020 views)
Re: Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL
12/15/2020 1:54:02 PM (2034 views)

California Bay Area update - Dana Zook/CA
12/7/2020 1:08:45 PM (1686 views)

COMMFORCE - NO PAY - Angela Sharp/CA
11/23/2020 7:30:38 PM (2103 views)

[+] DB Title - Carlyle Millard/WV (3 replies)
11/17/2020 1:36:54 PM (2116 views)

[+] Los Angeles? - Dan Zook/NY (6 replies)
11/16/2020 10:51:51 AM (1892 views)

[+] Auro Title Solutions - Richard  Miller/MS (2 replies)
11/16/2020 2:27:05 AM (1844 views)

[+] Joy It Consulting??? - Jay Duncan/MO (7 replies)
11/9/2020 3:08:58 PM (2137 views)

[+] E&O - Fox Point - Gwynne Anderson-Beck/IL (2 replies)
11/9/2020 11:40:57 AM (2047 views)

[+] How is everyone doing? - William Duncan/CA (3 replies)
11/4/2020 10:58:13 AM (2465 views)

[+] America's Settlement Company - MIke Bogart/FL (4 replies)
10/27/2020 11:26:49 AM (2590 views)

[+] Doc90 Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO (3 replies)
10/22/2020 10:39:02 PM (2123 views)

[+] REAL TITLE SERVICES - Saundra  Scott/MD (14 replies)
10/19/2020 2:02:22 PM (3010 views)

[+] Canada Title Search - Vaniyankuni Zree/MD (1 reply)
10/16/2020 4:54:09 AM (2092 views)

[+] Social Media Marketing - Jeanine Johnson/MN (10 replies)
10/13/2020 1:08:23 PM (2335 views)

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