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[+] PAYER OR NOT - Saundra  Scott/MD (6 replies)
2/5/2021 4:37:44 PM (1677 views)

[+] Payment Terms = Payment Up Front - David Beloff/VA (6 replies)
2/5/2021 10:56:52 AM (1559 views)

[+] SN Titles - Dan Zook/NY (3 replies)
2/3/2021 12:27:32 PM (1678 views)

Worker's Comp Insurance Pool? - Angela Sharp/CA
2/2/2021 9:30:05 PM (1189 views)

[+] iBird Corporation - Jay Duncan/MO (9 replies)
1/26/2021 11:45:09 AM (1813 views)

Real Title Services

Times Title - Kurt deVries/FL
1/21/2021 11:24:05 AM (1324 views)

[-] Martin Luther King Day and Inuguration - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
1/18/2021 12:20:46 PM (1537 views)

It’s Martin Luther King Day. We are about to inaugurate a new president, and I am afraid. I plead with ALL Americans to support our Country as a Win-Win for all. The American Dream is health, safety, equality, and prosperity for ALL. That means we don’t each get our own way, but we work together to make progress for all.

Sixteen percent of the Senate, a quarter of the House, local Police Forces and officials at the Pentagon continue to fight the Constitution and a peaceful transition of power -the key to our Democracy. They need to be held accountable for their sacred oath of office- to follow the Constitution. Show us you can put our Country and the good of ALL our people first.

  1. · Let’s legitimately deal with Covid-19 for the sake of ALL our people. Don’t be selfish and not wear a mask.

    · Let’s deal with the economy, get people back to work, safe in their homes and neighborhoods.

    · Let’s deal with the long overdue issues of inequality and unfair treatment of minorities. Recognize the legitimacy of BLM, the horrors of White Supremacists, and those who attack our Capital to overturn American Democracy.

    · And let’s deal with Social Media. Artificial intelligence (AI) has developed an in-depth profile about each of us. Every time we click the internet it watches and makes decisions for us. Social Media feeds us only what AI has determined we want to hear, so we will stay on a page longer, and they can push more ads on us. But that reinforces our prejudices as we ONLY see the side that AI feeds us. Americans are being manipulated into divisive action. We’re not being shown both sides of issues. Social Media is tearing the fabric of our Nation. We have pledged to lead the world and be One Nation with Liberty and Justice for ALL. Let’s live up to America's sacred pledge.

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Re: Martin Luther King Day and Inuguration - Victoria  Wertz/GA
1/18/2021 1:16:05 PM (1721 views)
Re: Martin Luther King Day and Inuguration - Robert Franco/OH
1/18/2021 2:28:35 PM (1724 views)
Re: Martin Luther King Day and Inuguration - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
2/20/2021 5:30:51 PM (1546 views)

[+] SOT getting trolled hard today - Tony Costa/LA (2 replies)
1/18/2021 8:58:57 AM (1523 views)

WHERE IS DANA R. BIBLE - Vincent Clarance/CA
1/17/2021 9:38:00 PM (1426 views)

[+] TITLE SERVICES DIRECT-NO PAY - Jason Knowles/AL (8 replies)
1/6/2021 12:21:12 PM (1851 views)

[+] DataTrace non-payment - John Rawlings/WI (5 replies)
12/28/2020 4:25:36 PM (2014 views)

[+] slow pay/no pay - David Faith/FL (2 replies)
12/21/2020 10:36:13 AM (1927 views)

[+] Soft Pro bad blood - John Rawlings/WI (2 replies)
12/21/2020 10:10:08 AM (1710 views)

[+] Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Bruce Lutz/PA (11 replies)
12/11/2020 3:09:40 PM (2446 views)

[+] Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL (6 replies)
12/7/2020 4:04:09 PM (2048 views)

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