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[+] CRYPTOCURRENCY AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS - Heidi Gemeling/FL (10 replies)
9/8/2021 8:01:04 AM (1487 views)

[+] Vermont appointments and fees - Ana Rosen/PA (3 replies)
9/7/2021 5:35:19 PM (1311 views)

JMT Doucment Services - Carlyle Millard/WV
9/1/2021 9:36:18 PM (1215 views)

[+] Turning Houses into Corporations - Robert Franco/OH (7 replies)
8/26/2021 8:35:17 AM (1811 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies Non-Payer - Ron Beavers/FL (4 replies)
8/17/2021 2:04:25 PM (1633 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax - R Braun/VA (2 replies)
8/12/2021 10:15:39 AM (2094 views)

[+] VKM TITLE, LLC - Saundra  Scott/MD (12 replies)
8/2/2021 8:04:55 PM (1847 views)

[+] Dealing with a client - Alix Ott/MI (12 replies)
7/28/2021 1:32:47 PM (3213 views)

[+] FREE PDF EDITOR - Heidi Gemeling/FL (4 replies)
7/27/2021 8:48:34 AM (1525 views)

[+] E & O... again..sorry.. - Regina  Engebritson/MN (12 replies)
7/26/2021 2:59:42 PM (1639 views)

VRM TITLE LLC - Saundra  Scott/MD
7/26/2021 2:10:12 PM (1274 views)

[+] CELL TOWER - Saundra  Scott/MD (12 replies)
7/26/2021 12:06:30 PM (1624 views)

[+] Foreclosures Looming - Jay Duncan/MO (8 replies)
7/23/2021 2:11:21 PM (2555 views)

[+] Orchestrate - Susan Dustin/WV (7 replies)
7/22/2021 6:11:14 PM (2158 views)

[-] Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - William Duncan/SC (5 replies)
7/6/2021 5:14:20 PM (1941 views)


Has anyone ever worked with these guys? We cannot seem to find anything on them.

We were contacted by a "Patrick Peters" with First Knotch Solutions.

Myself and my partner were unable to find anything on them, and they wanted our pricing.

1. When I emailed them saying "What price points are you looking for?" they said "Just submit your bid proposal and I will escalate it to my management..." Weird, but ok...

2. Normally Vendor Managers have a LinkedIn or some kind of listing: nothing. That caused a meeting with my partner and we did not seem like a strong lead.

3. Then they started asking us about Document Retrieval in South Carolina. That is fine, however a HURRICANE/TROPICAL STORM IS SET TO ARRIVE TOMORROW WHICH MAY CAUSE COURTHOUSE CLOSURES, FLOODING, DEBRIS, POWER OUTAGES...which may hinder Document Retrieval. I explained that to them and their reply was: "Please help us."


4. Back me up here: as a Courthouse Title Searcher, if I receive a document retrieval it usually contains a Book, Page # or an Instrument # or Case # (Civil Judgments, Estates, etc). They just gave a date and a loan amount. I explained to them if they do not have these then it could be a current owner search. Now my Red Flags are really going up.


Has anyone heard of these guys or worked with them? If so, email me. Even if you have not, beware and do your due diligence. If it sounds sketchy, chances are it is...

- Will



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Re: Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO
7/7/2021 4:53:29 PM (1864 views)
Re: Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - Smitty Strickland/SC
7/12/2021 11:32:17 AM (1690 views)
Re: Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - William Duncan/SC
7/12/2021 11:34:41 AM (1731 views)
Re: Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - Brandon ONeal/TN
7/15/2021 3:18:42 PM (1662 views)
Re: Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - Randi Erickson/MN
7/31/2021 12:40:47 PM (1534 views)

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