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[+] - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
12/20/2021 3:14:19 PM (1399 views)

[+] AFX LLC - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (9 replies)
12/20/2021 1:53:35 PM (4148 views)

51 Title and Taxes - William Duncan/SC
12/14/2021 11:15:14 AM (1962 views)

[+] DB Title Solutions, LLC - Marilyn Knobel/NY (2 replies)
12/7/2021 2:53:31 PM (1685 views)

[-] Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Dan Zook/NY (22 replies)
12/7/2021 10:32:47 AM (2241 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
12/7/2021 12:39:30 PM (2566 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Justin Daley/PA
12/7/2021 2:53:42 PM (2524 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Dan Zook/NY
12/7/2021 3:02:09 PM (2432 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:03:55 PM (2255 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Jolene Crofoot/MN
12/13/2021 9:53:16 AM (2212 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Serena Stout/VA
12/13/2021 10:03:22 AM (2171 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:05:31 PM (2240 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Serena Stout/VA
12/13/2021 12:11:23 PM (2142 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:55:58 PM (2156 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Philip Apter/CT
12/13/2021 6:25:29 PM (2129 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Regina  Engebritson/MN
12/13/2021 11:07:48 AM (2148 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:06:25 PM (2107 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Jennifer Coffey/VA
12/13/2021 8:17:47 PM (2224 views)

I stopped working for them a couple of years ago.  I would drive 1-2 hours to a county and there would be a question on which property to search because there would be conflicting information on their order form so I would have to drive back out there the next day once they had directions on how to proceed OR a "current owner" would actually turn out to be a full search so I would call and try to get fee approval for the full search and they would take a day to answer that they are re-assigning the order (obviously to someone cheaper or someone who doesn't know yet that it will be a full search).  The final straw was when I chose to go ahead and do the search work on a full search (unofficially) while waiting for an answer back, because I knew that my schedule would not allow for me to return the next day.  They ended up cancelling it.  From that point forward I refused to do any further work for them.  I am a for profit business who can not just just keep wasting gas, time and money on a company who has issues giving accurate data or using a client who doesn't give accurate data.

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Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 8:39:35 PM (2174 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Dan Zook/NY
12/14/2021 3:42:13 AM (2177 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Rachel Homer/OR
12/15/2021 11:38:48 AM (2207 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Stephenie Page/RI
12/21/2021 12:36:21 PM (2115 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Justin Daley/PA
1/3/2022 5:20:22 PM (1972 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Dan Zook/NY
1/11/2022 4:35:14 PM (1875 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Kirsten Karl/FL
1/14/2022 11:27:10 AM (1809 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - george Hubka/MI
1/17/2022 8:12:30 PM (1671 views)
Re: Blue Streak - pays what they feel like - Kirsten Karl/FL
1/18/2022 11:13:48 AM (1757 views)

[+] Cryptocurrency made legal by OCC - Jeanine Johnson/MN (6 replies)
12/6/2021 5:10:24 PM (1307 views)

[+] PAYOFF SBA LOAN - Heidi Gemeling/FL (1 reply)
12/2/2021 8:45:12 AM (1357 views)

[+] Webscribe - Smitty Strickland/SC (1 reply)
11/30/2021 4:59:23 PM (1500 views)

[+] Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY (11 replies)
11/29/2021 2:08:23 PM (2078 views)

[+] VIRUS/MALWARE WARNING - Alix Ott/MI (1 reply)
11/24/2021 7:58:01 AM (1565 views)

[+] Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Alix Ott/MI (13 replies)
11/18/2021 12:34:01 PM (2763 views)

[+] VISIONET - NON-PAYERS - Brett Ryder/NC (3 replies)
11/16/2021 2:40:11 PM (2323 views)

[+] NON-PAYERS Mott MacDonald - Angela Sharp/CA (1 reply)
11/9/2021 1:40:05 PM (1888 views)

[+] Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Source of Title/OH (18 replies)
11/8/2021 9:42:02 AM (2174 views)

[+] DRN , no pay. - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA (2 replies)
11/5/2021 10:32:28 AM (1785 views)

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