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[+] Disregard - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
1/28/2022 9:33:57 AM (1464 views)

[+] Abstractor Thoughts? - Laurence Perretti/FL (7 replies)
1/25/2022 12:33:10 PM (2057 views)

[+] COVID 19 WARNING - William Duncan/SC (6 replies)
1/24/2022 6:52:05 PM (1639 views)

[+] - Donna McKamy/MT (3 replies)
1/24/2022 1:19:59 PM (2816 views)

[+] Elite Vendor Services - William Duncan/SC (4 replies)
1/20/2022 4:26:51 PM (1818 views)

[-] Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - William Duncan/SC (11 replies)
1/19/2022 1:10:29 PM (2210 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - DB Title Solutions/CA
1/20/2022 2:48:26 AM (2747 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/21/2022 8:04:21 PM (2770 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Molly Stamos /TX
2/1/2022 2:36:01 PM (2636 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Jamison England/KS
1/24/2022 10:34:07 AM (2595 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Larry Crooks/OH
1/24/2022 11:11:33 AM (2539 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - William Duncan/SC
1/24/2022 6:37:12 PM (2529 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Molly Stamos /TX
2/1/2022 2:42:45 PM (2478 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - neil hethorn/TX
1/31/2022 8:25:55 AM (2467 views)
Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Cheryl Runyan/MI
9/6/2022 9:37:06 AM (1507 views)
Qualia - a Mortgage Software System - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/7/2022 11:22:43 AM (2035 views)

I'm a Qualified Qualia expert - so that means I took a 16 hour certification course with them.

That being said, it is MORTGAGE software with a cobbled together title end  HORRIBLE PROGRAM

It was the WORST system I have ever worked on in 30+ years in the title/real estate industry.

I don't even know why they'd have a portal for searches in the USA when they don't have an internal system to produce title and closing.    It makes more sense to have just a title/closing portal and have the title do their own searches.  Unless they just want a CO report for their own purposes before they do full title.

And yes, it is revenue based so that you have to pay them to be linked into their system.  The idea is that via their "portal" title agencies could contact other service providers.

But as we know, most agencies have their preferred searchers who have their own, established relationships.

I really found it to be a garbage product from the title/closing side.   And, I probably know 5-7 different title software programs like the back of my hand, both the front and back ends.

I guess it just depends on what kind of companies and software you are used to work with.  I find Qualia substandard.  


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Re: Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - Steve Williams/MO
2/2/2023 9:51:30 AM (1184 views)

[+] Punctual Abstract - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (6 replies)
1/19/2022 9:57:54 AM (2101 views)

[+] Encompass Title Center - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (14 replies)
1/13/2022 12:30:23 PM (1667 views)

[+] Sourcepoint - Marilyn Knobel/NY (2 replies)
1/13/2022 10:01:33 AM (1535 views)

[+] WTF! - John OConnor/IL (4 replies)
1/11/2022 2:18:57 PM (2297 views)

[+] Covid Relief during Omicron - Jon Wilkins/TX (5 replies)
1/10/2022 6:06:30 PM (1436 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of FirstPoint Solutions - Deb Dartois/NV (2 replies)
1/3/2022 9:51:51 AM (1601 views)

[+] For the record... - William Duncan/SC (3 replies)
12/28/2021 11:20:30 AM (1766 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of V-xcel - Stephenie Page/RI (3 replies)
12/28/2021 10:59:49 AM (1315 views)

[+] What I want to see for Christmas and 2022 - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (1 reply)
12/21/2021 4:28:54 PM (1555 views)

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