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[+] Avanze - Jay Duncan/MO (11 replies)
7/6/2023 8:32:53 AM (1192 views)

[+] Honor Title Search? - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
7/3/2023 5:50:13 PM (1085 views)

[+] IN COUNTY SEARCHING - Michael Rosing/IL (6 replies)
7/3/2023 3:34:48 PM (1653 views)

[+] NON PAYER BEWARE - COMEXPINC - Martha  Lemoine/LA (5 replies)
6/27/2023 1:24:11 PM (1078 views)

[+] Mac Pro - Kurt deVries/FL (10 replies)
6/26/2023 3:43:47 PM (1154 views)

[+] Time to update those forms! - Ben Wilczynski/PA (1 reply)
6/26/2023 1:39:43 AM (1149 views)

[-] CAUTION - LendServ National Title - Aaron  Kosola/MN (3 replies)
6/22/2023 4:10:38 PM (1117 views)

I would recommend not accepting any orders from LendServ National Title, Roseville, MN as they have left us with a hefty unpaid abstracting bill.  They were a good customer of ours since 2018, but at the end of 2022 they stopped paying in a timely manner.  The beginning of this year they made one final payment to us for a very small portion of what was owed. They are now ignoring my correspondence and so it appears they've decided to skip out on their financial obligations. Does anyone know if they are going out of business? 

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Re: CAUTION - LendServ National Title - Jolene Crofoot/MN
6/26/2023 10:57:31 AM (1239 views)
Re: CAUTION - LendServ National Title - george Hubka/MI
6/26/2023 11:52:34 AM (1219 views)
Re: CAUTION - LendServ National Title - Aaron  Kosola/MN
7/19/2023 12:11:15 PM (910 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax again - Patty Baber/CA (6 replies)
6/22/2023 2:39:58 PM (1282 views)

[+] ABSTRACTORS IN NORTH OR SOUTH DAKOTA? - Mike Gottardi/TX (5 replies)
6/20/2023 5:50:53 PM (1075 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax Andrew Michelson - Patty Baber/CA (4 replies)
6/20/2023 9:17:38 AM (1365 views)

[+] NEVER ENDING AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/13/2023 1:25:01 PM (1312 views)

[+] Stellar Innovations - John Rawlings/WI (17 replies)
6/12/2023 4:21:18 PM (1824 views)

Thank you - SOT - Tom Martin/MA
6/10/2023 2:52:01 AM (1035 views)

[+] AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/9/2023 1:19:47 PM (1320 views)

[+] Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Misty Ireland/WA (9 replies)
6/7/2023 5:04:15 PM (1321 views)

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