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[+] lifeline - Ricky Gill/MS (4 replies)
7/10/2023 9:09:15 AM (1437 views)

[-] PDFs! - Ben Wilczynski/PA (13 replies)
7/6/2023 3:17:59 PM (1440 views)


Ben with Veracity here, hoping everyone had a great Fourth. I want to share a couple suggestions on the topic of PDFs.

We at Veracity work with hundreds of abstractors in counties all over the US, and it seems clear that many folks are struggling to find a reliable, affordable way to create and edit PDFs. (Adobe, of course, is incredibly expensive and cumbersome.)

Allow me to make three recommendations:


Specifically, the CutePDF Writer. When you install this app on your computer, it acts like a printer! That means if you have any kind of document open in any other app, and you hit Print, one of the printer options will be CutePDF. It will print your document to a PDF which you can easily save to your desktop. This app is FREE to download, is regularly updated to keep it secure, and is VERY easy for your computer to run.


PDF Escape is a FREE editor for PDFs with all the tools you will typically need. The only downside is that you have to upload your document to their website, make your edits, and then download/save the final version. It's an extra step, but again, it is FREE, secure, and regularly updated. (There is also a paid version which you install and run on your desktop like any other app.)


Greenshot is not a dedicated PDF editor, but rather is a powerful FREE screenshot tool. Here's an example of how I often use it: I will find a property using a GIS website, take a screenshot of the map, and open the image in Greenshot. Then I can highlight text in the image, blur parts out, add notes, draw boxes, and so much more. Often, I will use it to take a screenshot of part of a specific document, highlight some text, paste that image into an email, and send that to a client to answer their question. Like the others here, Greenshot is secure and regularly updated.

I have been using all these apps for years and I endorse them wholeheartedly. I hope they are helpful to you. Good luck out there!


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Re: PDFs! - Victoria  Wertz/GA
7/6/2023 7:32:22 PM (1521 views)
Re: PDFs! - Constance Foye/VA
7/10/2023 12:26:15 PM (1172 views)
Re: PDFs! - Misty Ireland/WA
7/10/2023 12:35:47 PM (1318 views)
Re: PDFs! - Denise Williams/MO
7/10/2023 2:01:49 PM (1337 views)
Re: PDFs! - Ben Wilczynski/PA
7/10/2023 3:07:32 PM (1199 views)
Re: PDFs! - Denise Williams/MO
7/10/2023 9:53:47 PM (1234 views)
Re: PDFs! - Sheila Sten/PA
7/13/2023 9:53:43 PM (1181 views)
Re: PDFs! - george Hubka/MI
7/17/2023 10:51:11 PM (1083 views)
Re: PDFs! - Ben Wilczynski/PA
7/18/2023 5:26:16 PM (999 views)
Re: PDFs! - george Hubka/MI
7/18/2023 9:52:15 PM (1111 views)
Re: PDFs! - Ben Wilczynski/PA
7/18/2023 5:28:09 PM (1020 views)
Re: PDFs! - Sheila Sten/PA
7/18/2023 5:29:16 PM (1006 views)
Re: PDFs! - Sheila Sten/PA
7/18/2023 5:29:19 PM (1074 views)

[+] Avanze - Jay Duncan/MO (11 replies)
7/6/2023 8:32:53 AM (1205 views)

[+] Honor Title Search? - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
7/3/2023 5:50:13 PM (1101 views)

[+] IN COUNTY SEARCHING - Michael Rosing/IL (6 replies)
7/3/2023 3:34:48 PM (1663 views)

[+] NON PAYER BEWARE - COMEXPINC - Martha  Lemoine/LA (5 replies)
6/27/2023 1:24:11 PM (1085 views)

[+] Mac Pro - Kurt deVries/FL (10 replies)
6/26/2023 3:43:47 PM (1159 views)

[+] Time to update those forms! - Ben Wilczynski/PA (1 reply)
6/26/2023 1:39:43 AM (1154 views)

[+] CAUTION - LendServ National Title - Aaron  Kosola/MN (3 replies)
6/22/2023 4:10:38 PM (1121 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax again - Patty Baber/CA (6 replies)
6/22/2023 2:39:58 PM (1288 views)

[+] ABSTRACTORS IN NORTH OR SOUTH DAKOTA? - Mike Gottardi/TX (5 replies)
6/20/2023 5:50:53 PM (1083 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax Andrew Michelson - Patty Baber/CA (4 replies)
6/20/2023 9:17:38 AM (1375 views)

[+] NEVER ENDING AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/13/2023 1:25:01 PM (1321 views)

[+] Stellar Innovations - John Rawlings/WI (17 replies)
6/12/2023 4:21:18 PM (1831 views)

Thank you - SOT - Tom Martin/MA
6/10/2023 2:52:01 AM (1036 views)

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