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[-] It's me again, NALTEA again - Patty  Baber/FL (2 replies)
8/16/2023 4:26:42 PM (849 views)

Money doesn’t grow on trees and you can only spend it once. So if business is good and you aren’t having any problems, why should you spend your hard earned income on Industry Association dues? ($100.00 per year)  The first thing you have to ask is how the association could benefit you.

Your association provides a common voice for its members, giving them all more power and influence in the industry. For example, associations are more able than individuals to provide input to policy makers when regulatory changes that impact the industry are being considered.

Your association may be able to assist when you are having difficulty in the industry. Chances are good that the association itself, or a fellow member, has some experience with a problem you may be facing. If you need help navigating the roads of the industry, your association should be able to help, or point you in the right direction.

Training is critical in any industry. Being part of an association will provide you with training opportunities, discounted training, or information about any changes in training or certification requirements.  (conferences, workshops, mentors)

Your industry association will likely have better access to a variety of information. With its connections throughout the industry, government and other stakeholders, your association can keep you up-to-date on industry news, events and developments. Your industry association is your one-stop shop for staying informed in your chosen area of work.

Small companies and individuals may find health benefits are out of their reach, but your association is able to offer group benefit plans to their members. Benefit plans can help keep you and your employees healthy, and they can be a great incentive to your employees, both current and potential. 

Your association provides access to lots of resources. With a large member base, various business discount programs can easily be offered to association members. Discount programs can save your company money, and these savings alone could pay for your membership dues.

By working with your industry association, you give it more influence and leverage. The association is only as strong as its members. With passionate, dedicated industry members, your association will thrive and do even more for the industry. Consider becoming a member; by supporting the association, you give it the power to support you.

I copied this from the Waste Water Management Association of BC.  It they can do it, SO CAN WE!  Besides I am pretty sure title searching is far more interesting than wastewater management.  However, I can think of funny slogans and mottos for them which would not compare in our industry.  Jay and Kurt coined this though: MAGA = Make Abstracting Great Again

From the NALTEA President, as posted here on SOT, Julia Thomas  "We're working on building the benefits package for our members. Current members can create an account with West Purchasing Group for discounts at Office Depo/Office Max, Avis & Budget Car Rentals, 1-800 Flowers.com and other companies. We're also working on getting discounts for E&O and Cyber insurance and access to free webinars hosted by a law firm familiar with litigation in our industry. This Association cares about the quality of work and who is doing it. Together we have a voice. All members are vetted, so you know you're among peers."   

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Re: It's me again, NALTEA again - Jay Duncan/MO
8/16/2023 5:41:38 PM (816 views)
Re: It's me again, NALTEA again - Julia Thomas/OH
8/16/2023 9:02:33 PM (777 views)

[+] Here is why I recommend Real Title Services, Inc. - Terry Ray/OH (7 replies)
8/15/2023 12:16:13 PM (1106 views)

NALTEA meeting today at 2 Eastern - Patty  Baber/FL
8/15/2023 11:16:34 AM (482 views)

[+] Avanze Title No Pay - nita  farrow/FL (23 replies)
8/15/2023 11:13:24 AM (1000 views)

[+] Small mailbox office - george Hubka/MI (4 replies)
8/14/2023 6:53:12 PM (924 views)

Real Title Services

[+] IDA AUTOMATION - Mike Gottardi/TX (4 replies)
8/14/2023 3:46:02 PM (656 views)

8/9/2023 4:47:30 PM (617 views)

[+] Hey, remember NALTEA? - Patty Baber/CA (20 replies)
8/8/2023 6:45:52 PM (945 views)

8/8/2023 3:44:45 PM (709 views)

[+] DocHunters - stephen willard/OH (30 replies)
8/8/2023 9:15:54 AM (1304 views)

ChatGPT - Patty Baber/CA
8/4/2023 11:37:57 AM (871 views)

[+] Real Doc Search - Jay Duncan/MO (19 replies)
8/2/2023 10:17:31 AM (1148 views)

[+] little barn on the prairie - James Baylon/FL (3 replies)
8/1/2023 12:09:35 PM (884 views)

[+] What States Requires Abstractors to be Licensed - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
8/1/2023 11:15:45 AM (1105 views)

[+] Ascendant (Cypress Ascendant) - Gregg Hill/FL (1 reply)
7/28/2023 10:52:06 AM (844 views)

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