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[-] summary and documents, documents and summary - Ben Wilczynski/PA (10 replies)
6/27/2024 9:55:22 AM (1366 views)

Hello, friends! Ben with Veracity here, looking for some feedback. 

When I was trained as an abstractor (in the Detroit area, roughly 450 years ago) I was taught to follow a simple rule:

"If you cite a document on your summary, you should include a copy in your bundle. If you include a document in your bundle, it should be cited on your summary."

That was a good rule at the time, and I believe it has only become more important. We just had an example of why this is important: the abstractor provided copies of the deeds in the chain of title, but did not list them on her summary report.  In fact, when asked, she refused to. Later, we learned that the abstract was missing an outsale deed which was necessary to understand the complicated metes and bounds legal description. The customer, naturally, was very upset that they had wasted hours trying to make sense of the title without that deed. What happened? Simple: the abstractor's scanner had "skipped" that deed.

If the abstractor had included a written chain of title, even just a list of deeds, this would have been a minor problem. My team would have noticed the omission before sending the abstract to the client. But instead, this correction required hours of work on the client's part.

My question is: do you make sure your summary agrees with your documents, and vice versa? If not, why not? 

Thank you for your time. 

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Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Jay Duncan/MO
6/27/2024 10:45:43 AM (923 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Rita Killary/NY
6/27/2024 12:49:52 PM (917 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Brandon ONeal/TN
6/27/2024 6:34:39 PM (938 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Serena Stout/VA
7/1/2024 10:02:29 AM (921 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Philip Apter/CT
7/8/2024 10:21:42 AM (750 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - stephen willard/OH
7/8/2024 11:07:49 AM (836 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Advanced Background Check/OH
7/9/2024 2:20:40 PM (713 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Ben Wilczynski/PA
7/10/2024 1:48:08 PM (719 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - george Hubka/MI
7/10/2024 6:14:15 PM (731 views)
Re: summary and documents, documents and summary - Ben Wilczynski/PA
7/31/2024 11:00:20 AM (651 views)

[+] CCOST OF A COMMERICAL SEARCH - Saundra  Scott/MD (3 replies)
6/24/2024 9:01:01 PM (1489 views)

6/24/2024 9:00:59 PM (859 views)

[+] SKY ONE TITLE SERVICES - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/20/2024 10:20:37 AM (1011 views)

[+] PLATOON TITLE SERVICES - Michael Rosing/IL (3 replies)
6/18/2024 2:13:38 PM (1222 views)

[+] Foreclosures - Kurt deVries/FL (5 replies)
6/17/2024 1:43:26 PM (1384 views)

[+] S.3402 - End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act - Scott Perry/PA (7 replies)
6/10/2024 8:58:55 PM (873 views)

IN THE QUEUE - Michael Rosing/IL
6/7/2024 11:24:57 AM (802 views)

POSTS - Michael Rosing/IL
6/4/2024 8:29:28 AM (783 views)

[+] Cornerstone abstracts - Randi Erickson/MN (13 replies)
5/16/2024 11:38:31 AM (1965 views)

AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL
5/13/2024 10:04:38 PM (998 views)

[+] Cloud Nine Title - Nancy  Jones/PA (8 replies)
5/11/2024 11:31:08 AM (1231 views)

[+] Old Volusia county FL - Paula Reynolds/FL (7 replies)
5/10/2024 3:13:12 PM (957 views)

[+] Cleaning Up Title - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
5/10/2024 9:41:24 AM (1483 views)

[+] TITLE TECHNIQ - Michael Rosing/IL (5 replies)
5/6/2024 11:48:36 AM (825 views)

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