I just need to vent. I'm tired of companies telling me how much they will pay me to do work. I've had a long standing with most all of my companies. I work alone, abstracting only. Recently, I've had more and more of my companies requesting work and telling me what they are willing to pay. Case in point: I received and order. This company wanted me to provide Only the Recording Information on All Open Mortgages, for this particular parcel of land. They would pay me $20.00 for this information. When I called my vendor rep and told him I needed more $$. He said to cancel the order then because he had someone who would do it for $20.00. Then to make matters worse, he made it sound as though I didn't want to work. Just trying to send some work your way. Well thank you but when it's going to cost me $16.00 for gas in my truck round trip to the county. I don't see how you are doing me a favor. These people think that what we so is so easy. They don't have a clue.
Ok, I'm done. Thanks for listening.
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