There is a plethora of fraudulent documents being filed in Register's Offices that convolute title searches and ultimately have resulted in Title Companies being sued. I could go into details but you should google the following for a more thorough explanation of the issue:
-Mark-Shannon: Manuel
-Gerald Manuel
-Ambassador Redemption Kingdom
-Sovereign Citizens
In one news article at it states, "Homeowners facing foreclosure have paid Manuel to file bizarre paperwork on their behalf. He's filed odd deeds and even tried to transfer homes to an unregistered non-profit in California called the Ambassador Redemption Kingdom."
In my own personal experience, I've also found that he has recorded fraudulent releases, Substitution of Trustee, and multiple bizarre documents stating that he is "not a citizen of this earth but a divine child of God, and is therefore not accountable to any government agency". Beware any documents that are prepared by this man and any of his fake companies and warn your clients about this danger as well. I've only seen these documents filed in Williamson County, but be aware of it in any county. I don't know if he does this in other counties as well.
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