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[+] Ridiculous Collection Practices - K C/NJ (8 replies)
2/22/2012 1:13:23 PM (3660 views)

[+] Absurd fee dispute - Dan Zook/NY (5 replies)
2/22/2012 11:21:34 AM (3712 views)

[+] NY Project - George Fushi/IL (2 replies)
2/22/2012 10:08:31 AM (3474 views)

[+] doc rns - Joan Howland/CT (8 replies)
2/20/2012 7:22:10 PM (3534 views)

[+] Capstone Title, Kentucky - Karen Hurley/KY (8 replies)
2/20/2012 3:26:36 PM (4497 views)

[+] 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Jason Knowles/AL (5 replies)
2/20/2012 10:25:21 AM (3709 views)

[+] EXLZoom Ever heard of them? - Alix Ott/MI (1 reply)
2/17/2012 8:54:02 AM (3636 views)

[-] Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH (17 replies)
2/16/2012 10:56:04 PM (3454 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Jessica Talley/FL
2/17/2012 8:07:18 AM (3028 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/17/2012 8:44:41 AM (3099 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Alix Ott/MI
2/17/2012 9:05:22 AM (2860 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Jessica Talley/FL
2/17/2012 12:30:50 PM (2833 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - F P/VA
2/17/2012 10:49:25 AM (2845 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/17/2012 9:14:29 AM (2819 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Sheila Sten/PA
2/17/2012 12:57:21 PM (3061 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Alix Ott/MI
2/17/2012 2:32:14 PM (2792 views)

I understand and agree.  But I also know that more and more clients are demanding this kind of service.  It's their way of cutting costs. 

However, we're not employees; we're not typists.  It is a balancing act.  If you have the volume where you need a typist to help you keep up, you either have to stand your ground and hope they really, really need you and are willing to keep doing the typing themselves, hire someone local (and careful) to help and still make a decent profit, OR explain to the client that you have to outsource the  typing and therefore can accept no liability for typos.

Another option -- which will be time-consuming, but maybe not as bad as typing it yourself -- is to have the Indians type it and send it as an rtf or word processing file in the format that will come on the website.  then you can easily just cut and paste line after line and do a bit of proofing along the way.  I don't think that's really an option, tho, unless the legal is really long.  THEN it would make sense to outsource.

Most of us here in Source of Title land are savvy and have been in this business for awhile.  But remember, with the bottom line now being all important, SOMEONE out there is going to be desperate enough to do what the clients want and you WILL lose the business eventually.

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Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 1:44:08 AM (2863 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
2/20/2012 9:12:48 AM (2842 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - stephen willard/OH
2/20/2012 10:33:02 AM (2659 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 11:11:12 AM (2672 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 11:15:44 AM (2585 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
2/20/2012 11:25:13 AM (2570 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Deborah Jackson/GA
2/20/2012 6:15:41 PM (2562 views)
Invest in some software - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/20/2012 6:35:06 PM (2695 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Penny Bettorf/IL
2/28/2012 2:20:40 AM (2332 views)

[+] Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Megan Rowlands/PA (6 replies)
2/16/2012 1:29:47 PM (4355 views)

[+] More on American Abstract - Michele  Moose/NC (9 replies)
2/16/2012 12:56:26 PM (3694 views)

[+] Audit Uncovers Extensive Flaws in Foreclosures - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
2/16/2012 6:46:25 AM (4605 views)

Law Changes in NC (DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER) - Jaime  Kosofsky/NC
2/15/2012 8:45:51 PM (4403 views)

[+] Comment on "Borrowers Not Prevailing on Flawed Assignments Despite Ibanez Decision" - Source of Title/OH (5 replies)
2/14/2012 11:47:20 AM (2922 views)

At Volcker Rule Deadline - a Strong Push Back from Wall Street - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/14/2012 9:21:34 AM (4056 views)

[+] ,key staff - William Pattison /CA (3 replies)
2/14/2012 3:30:06 AM (3019 views)

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