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[+] ESS Solutions - Christine Marley/IN (7 replies)
3/1/2012 5:03:53 PM (4510 views)

[+] Fidelity National updates requirements for title searches - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD (17 replies)
2/29/2012 2:16:19 PM (4163 views)

[+] What happens when a 2nd mortgage - Tempie Elder/GA (5 replies)
2/28/2012 11:20:19 AM (3767 views)

[+] Mortgage avoided by bankruptcy judge due to improper acknowledgement - Leigh Attridge/MA (4 replies)
2/25/2012 6:21:24 PM (5434 views)

[+] 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Leigh Attridge/MA (5 replies)
2/24/2012 9:44:22 PM (4832 views)

[+] Price of fuel and work? - Carla Curry/KY (5 replies)
2/23/2012 7:24:18 PM (3317 views)

[+] not being paid - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA (38 replies)
2/22/2012 7:43:31 PM (4244 views)

not being paid - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/22/2012 7:43:29 PM (3070 views)

[-] Ridiculous Collection Practices - K C/NJ (8 replies)
2/22/2012 1:13:23 PM (3644 views)

We received an email today with an attachment from an abstractor we haven't worked with since I'm guessing, the end of 2010.  We had always (and do always) pay all bills and immediately look into any that someone claims wasn't paid, whether it was shorted accidentally, a check wasn't received - call or email and it will be resolved.  We actually pay more for searches when we can. 

In this case, we had an order that had a follow-up request which would require another trip.  We have record of that from our client and the received document from the abstractor which was paid for $44 along with the original search. 

The abstractor called once or twice claiming we'd sent her for a third doc and I kindly told her I had nothing in our files showing this, could she please send me whatever it is we asked for and we'd pay it.  I received an invoice, that's it!  Same amount, $44.

The abstractor then started faxing us WEEKLY with LATE stamps on the invoice. This went on for much of 2011.  I typed on the invoice and e-faxed back that we had no record of a third request from our client, in our sent emails, a third doc in our files but if she could produce proof (any of these items - she should have the third document, right?) I'd gladly pay.  EVERY WEEK FOR MONTHS she only sent the invoice stamped with a new LATE stamp with a scribbled note on there that they'd received the request on some date and said this was proof.  After faxing back the same invoice to her requesting the document, our email request - anything - we all just ignored the harassing faxes.  Ryan even tried to block the incoming e-fax from that number because it was ludicrous.

We hadn't heard a peep since last year.  The email we get today has the subject line of 'Ryan Scioli' who no longer works here and which doesn't address the subject at hand.  There's nothing in the body of the email but a cheerful "Thanks! " signature but lurking in the email (upgrade from faxing) is this typed notice that she will be posting on SOT that we don't pay our abstractors and she will also hang this in her counties. 

I don't have enough motivation to quibble about $44 (oh, and the 10% she was tacking on with each weekly fax) but seriously:  IF SOMEONE OWES YOU SOMETHING - PRODUCE THE DOCUMENT!  STOP BEING RUDE, BEHAVE PROFESSIONALLY AND RESOLVE THE PROBLEM.  I'd asked nicely so many times that she show me something because we truly do not have anything on file that this ever happened or existed.  I wasn't argumentative or difficult, nor was Ryan, i asked to have the document because if my client requested something, i should have it in our files and we don't and never did.

I advised her that if she sought counsel, an attorney or court would request the same thing.  My request wasn't unreasonable.  If she weren't so unprofessional and harassing, I'd have paid the damn thing just to keep the peace. 

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Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/22/2012 2:15:36 PM (2991 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - K C/NJ
2/23/2012 7:08:40 PM (2810 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/23/2012 7:50:54 PM (2770 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:10:43 AM (2772 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 10:33:41 AM (2694 views)
@ Leigh - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/11/2012 2:09:51 PM (2423 views)
Re: @ Leigh - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/11/2012 5:15:19 PM (2410 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Diane Bluhm/WI
2/27/2012 10:45:51 AM (2745 views)

[+] Absurd fee dispute - Dan Zook/NY (5 replies)
2/22/2012 11:21:34 AM (3697 views)

[+] NY Project - George Fushi/IL (2 replies)
2/22/2012 10:08:31 AM (3460 views)

[+] doc rns - Joan Howland/CT (8 replies)
2/20/2012 7:22:10 PM (3515 views)

[+] Capstone Title, Kentucky - Karen Hurley/KY (8 replies)
2/20/2012 3:26:36 PM (4471 views)

[+] 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Jason Knowles/AL (5 replies)
2/20/2012 10:25:21 AM (3678 views)

[+] EXLZoom Ever heard of them? - Alix Ott/MI (1 reply)
2/17/2012 8:54:02 AM (3612 views)

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