Surprisingly to me, this is the first time I have ran across this, or even heard about it. Has anyone come across agreements with Unison Homeowner? It looks like they give the borrower money and the borrower does not make any payments for 30 years. Unison gets an irrevocable, undivided interest in the property or an option for interest? Having never seen this, I have so many questions. I like to be sure who has ownership interest and who I should be searching. Does this agreement put Unison in title with the borrowers? I’m trying to find out how this would affect the title to the house and my search process. Do I search Unison (because the agreement is irrevocable), do I only search them if they record another agreement or deed for undivided interest? I feel like this agreement is slightly like a transfer on death deed, but instead of the TOD deed, they record an agreement? I think I already know the answers, but whenever I come across something new, I like to check with my peers that I’m thinking right. Any insight would be helpful! You would think after a lifetime in the industry I would have seen it all, but this is a new one to me. Oh, an apparently there is also Unison Homebuyer.
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