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Search and Sign VA - William Duncan/SC
7/1/2021 11:18:28 PM (1325 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies Non-Payer - Ron Beavers/FL (11 replies)
6/30/2021 1:28:06 PM (1488 views)

[+] E&O, any affordable options ? Rates keep going up - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA (1 reply)
6/28/2021 3:13:54 PM (1571 views)

[+] 51 title and taxes, llc - Deb Dartois/NV (7 replies)
6/28/2021 11:55:41 AM (2553 views)

[+] American Core Title - William Duncan/SC (1 reply)
6/23/2021 8:42:27 PM (1681 views)

[+] Title Abstractors, LLC/Abingdon, VA - Russ  Kern/GA (9 replies)
6/16/2021 10:55:46 AM (2019 views)

CA Bay Area - Dan Zook/NY
6/15/2021 9:09:57 PM (2119 views)

[+] Shovel Technologies Inc. - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
6/14/2021 12:36:49 PM (1467 views)

[+] E&O - Scott Oberlin/OH (6 replies)
6/6/2021 2:06:35 PM (1484 views)

[+] Hospital Lien in Florida - Lucille Femine/TN (5 replies)
6/4/2021 8:28:02 AM (1696 views)

[+] Real T Solutions = Non-payer - Dan Zook/NY (10 replies)
5/26/2021 2:00:50 PM (2193 views)

[-] To all the ground searchers out there - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (6 replies)
5/25/2021 4:16:11 PM (2471 views)

My heart goes out to each and everyone out there. 

Back when I posted on here before, I was staring down the barrel of being laid off from my Title Job that may or may not have been in Ohio.

A lot has changed since then but I want to let you all know I am here for you all. Some of our brothers and sisters "in arms" have gone out of business and retired. To those that have stayed, I feel the time is now.

If every "boots on the ground" Abstractor charged hundreds of dollars per document retrieval, more for current owners, more for two owners, and even more for fulls, then we can all make a living. The industry would be ours again.

It is no secret that for years, major Title Companies have shipped our business off-shore. Gone are the days of Current Owner Searches at 50/a pop ("the easy searches"). But with supply, there is demand. There is opportunity, and that opportunity is us. 

Keep the fight to the ground.







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Re: To all the ground searchers out there - Kurt deVries/FL
6/1/2021 10:55:14 AM (2085 views)
Re: To all the ground searchers out there - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
7/14/2021 8:48:49 AM (1680 views)
Re: To all the ground searchers out there - Kurt deVries/FL
7/14/2021 9:36:00 AM (1715 views)
Re: To all the ground searchers out there - g h/SC
7/19/2021 10:43:12 AM (1627 views)
Re: To all the ground searchers out there - george Hubka/MI
8/9/2021 2:54:34 PM (1465 views)
Re: To all the ground searchers out there - george Hubka/MI
8/9/2021 2:54:36 PM (1440 views)

[+] American Abstract out of Florida - Angela Sharp/CA (1 reply)
5/20/2021 12:42:50 PM (2024 views)

[+] IAS not paying invoices - Donna McKamy/MT (5 replies)
5/17/2021 4:14:39 PM (2137 views)

5/11/2021 8:46:02 AM (1437 views)

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