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[+] CRYPTOCURRENCY AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS - Heidi Gemeling/FL (10 replies)
9/8/2021 8:01:04 AM (1320 views)

[+] Vermont appointments and fees - Ana Rosen/PA (3 replies)
9/7/2021 5:35:19 PM (1157 views)

JMT Doucment Services - Carlyle Millard/WV
9/1/2021 9:36:18 PM (1084 views)

[+] Turning Houses into Corporations - Robert Franco/OH (7 replies)
8/26/2021 8:35:17 AM (1640 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies Non-Payer - Ron Beavers/FL (4 replies)
8/17/2021 2:04:25 PM (1460 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Nationwide Abstrax - R Braun/VA (2 replies)
8/12/2021 10:15:39 AM (1918 views)

[+] VKM TITLE, LLC - Saundra  Scott/MD (12 replies)
8/2/2021 8:04:55 PM (1681 views)

[+] Dealing with a client - Alix Ott/MI (12 replies)
7/28/2021 1:32:47 PM (3067 views)

[+] FREE PDF EDITOR - Heidi Gemeling/FL (4 replies)
7/27/2021 8:48:34 AM (1351 views)

[+] E & O... again..sorry.. - Regina  Engebritson/MN (12 replies)
7/26/2021 2:59:42 PM (1480 views)

VRM TITLE LLC - Saundra  Scott/MD
7/26/2021 2:10:12 PM (1122 views)

[+] CELL TOWER - Saundra  Scott/MD (12 replies)
7/26/2021 12:06:30 PM (1411 views)

[-] Foreclosures Looming - Jay Duncan/MO (8 replies)
7/23/2021 2:11:21 PM (2289 views)

The last I heard was the moratorium holding off foreclosures is July 31st, about a week away. 

Now some states like Missouri where we are what is called a Non-Judicial state or Deed of Trust state, foreclosures will be fast and furious and houses sold on the courthouse steps in 90 days or less.

 States like Kansas and Illinois, where there are mortgages, are considered Judicial states and the foreclosures have to go through the court system.  Most of us remember how clogged the courts got when that happened when the real estate market collasped back in 2008.  Now add the covid factor into it where some courts are still virtual and already clogged.

Also top it off that the real estate market has not had it's average normal correction every 7 years or so for almost 14/15 years.

If you haven't sold your house yet, before the foreclosures hit and bring home values crashing down you might want to do it quick. 

Should be an interesting rest of the year.




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Re: Foreclosures Looming - Robert Franco/OH
7/24/2021 10:00:01 AM (1640 views)
Re: Foreclosures Looming - William Duncan/SC
7/26/2021 10:48:39 AM (1425 views)
Re: Foreclosures Looming - Kurt deVries/FL
7/26/2021 3:21:55 PM (1491 views)
Re: Foreclosures Looming - Randi Erickson/MN
7/31/2021 12:36:07 PM (1902 views)
Re: Foreclosures Looming - Robert Whitehead/FL
8/26/2021 9:10:59 AM (1158 views)
Re: Foreclosures Looming - Robert Whitehead/FL
8/26/2021 9:11:04 AM (1139 views)
The foreclosure shadow market never went away - Victoria Moate/NJ
8/2/2021 11:37:49 AM (1322 views)
Re: The foreclosure shadow market never went away - george Hubka/MI
8/9/2021 1:53:10 PM (1281 views)

[+] Orchestrate - Susan Dustin/WV (7 replies)
7/22/2021 6:11:14 PM (1931 views)

[+] Due Diligence: First Notch Solutions - William Duncan/SC (5 replies)
7/6/2021 5:14:20 PM (1699 views)

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