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[+] COVID 19 WARNING - William Duncan/SC (6 replies)
1/24/2022 6:52:05 PM (1626 views)

[+] - Donna McKamy/MT (3 replies)
1/24/2022 1:19:59 PM (2803 views)

[+] Elite Vendor Services - William Duncan/SC (4 replies)
1/20/2022 4:26:51 PM (1807 views)

[+] Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - William Duncan/SC (11 replies)
1/19/2022 1:10:29 PM (2199 views)

[+] Punctual Abstract - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (6 replies)
1/19/2022 9:57:54 AM (2090 views)

[+] Encompass Title Center - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (14 replies)
1/13/2022 12:30:23 PM (1655 views)

[+] Sourcepoint - Marilyn Knobel/NY (2 replies)
1/13/2022 10:01:33 AM (1522 views)

[+] WTF! - John OConnor/IL (4 replies)
1/11/2022 2:18:57 PM (2286 views)

[+] Covid Relief during Omicron - Jon Wilkins/TX (5 replies)
1/10/2022 6:06:30 PM (1425 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of FirstPoint Solutions - Deb Dartois/NV (2 replies)
1/3/2022 9:51:51 AM (1579 views)

[+] For the record... - William Duncan/SC (3 replies)
12/28/2021 11:20:30 AM (1757 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of V-xcel - Stephenie Page/RI (3 replies)
12/28/2021 10:59:49 AM (1307 views)

[-] What I want to see for Christmas and 2022 - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (1 reply)
12/21/2021 4:28:54 PM (1545 views)

Hello. It is your favorite elusive Title Searcher/Vendor Manager here.


First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, to all out there. I too will be enjoying courthouse closures on Christmas with my 2 "little bits" (got custody this year for Christmas, HA!....although my ex-husband did get them for Thanksgiving….)


Second, as we head on towards the new 2022 year, I have to say 2021 was god awful but we came out on top. That said, for those of us still working out of the courthouses, those who contribute to that which is Source of Title, there are things that not only I would like to see, but you as well. They are as follows:

  1. I want to see those working out of the courthouse to start charging ###.00 for document retrievals in the very least. Supply is demand, ya?

Someone is asking you to go get it. It is your time, your gas, your parking fees, you fronting for copies, and with the new Omricon variant, your life at risk. Do not lower your prices, CHARGE FOR IT.

  1. I would like to see more people on SourceofTitle joining ALTA and discussing ALTA related stuff.

ALTA is a great resource and they have a lot of behind-the-scenes insight. Better yet, I would love to see some of you there at some of their events.

  1. I would like to continue to see continued due diligence posts on the discussion thread: has anyone heard of this company? Are they a no-payer??

If Channing Tatum contacts you wanting you to do ground search for them, either the real Channing Tatum has had a drastic career change from being a leading (and yummy) man of Hollywood to Title Search or they are probably using a fake name. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE AND ALWAYS DO YOUR DUE DILLIGENCE: REQUEST A PHONE CONFERENCE AND WHEN IN DOUBT, GET THEIR ID. WHEN IN DOUBT, DO NOT WORK FOR THEM.


It is us, the Courthouse Abstractors and Paralegals who are the front runners of this industry, not some jerk half way around the world. I want to see (and hear) about more of you guys going the distance and making your business successful.





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Re: What I want to see for Christmas and 2022 - Robert Franco/OH
12/26/2021 10:30:16 AM (2017 views)

[+] - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
12/20/2021 3:14:19 PM (1382 views)

[+] AFX LLC - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (9 replies)
12/20/2021 1:53:35 PM (4134 views)

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