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[+] COVID 19 WARNING - William Duncan/SC (6 replies)
1/24/2022 6:52:05 PM (1457 views)

[+] Amanda@ias.us - Donna McKamy/MT (3 replies)
1/24/2022 1:19:59 PM (2661 views)

[+] Elite Vendor Services - William Duncan/SC (4 replies)
1/20/2022 4:26:51 PM (1626 views)

[+] Has anyone had any good experiences with Qualia? - William Duncan/SC (11 replies)
1/19/2022 1:10:29 PM (1997 views)

[+] Punctual Abstract - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (6 replies)
1/19/2022 9:57:54 AM (1928 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Encompass Title Center - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (14 replies)
1/13/2022 12:30:23 PM (1501 views)

[+] Sourcepoint - Marilyn Knobel/NY (2 replies)
1/13/2022 10:01:33 AM (1333 views)

[+] WTF! - John OConnor/IL (4 replies)
1/11/2022 2:18:57 PM (2080 views)

[-] Covid Relief during Omicron - Jon Wilkins/TX (5 replies)
1/10/2022 6:06:30 PM (1239 views)

Hi Everyone,

 This is Jon Wilkins from Smart Abstract Services LLC and we would like to offer a helping hand to Title Industry.

Because of Covid-19 lots of people like abstractors have lost their lives and their families have lost the income source and a much loved human-being.

Now we can't do much and yet Covid-19 is not over properly but Omicron is knocking the doors of entire United States.

Title Industry should help each other in such situations, but we have seen companies doing everything inhouse and doesn't give chance to one who is looking to survive and the business developer that tries to get work is not just taking all the money it will go to US peoples homes.

So let's take a Pledge and when we have the capacity we will definitely help each other as a Good human and being a human and will focus more on growing our sales rather focusing on the clerical work.

Omicron is on our doors and we just need to make sure that whatever it takes this time we need to help our people and our country and lets try to keep USA a world leader not only in terms of technology but in terms of a "Helping Hand too".

 $100 here and there will not make a big difference to you but it could definitely make difference to the who is doing ground searches for us and taking all the risk for the documents or facilities that we need.

If we can't our own industry we should not be waiting for any other industry to help us. It's US who can make the Difference and not anyone else.

Let us all make sure that 2022 should not be like 2021 was and lets make each other prosperous helping each-other.

Probably we might set a benchmark for other industries too.

Let us give chances to small business and entrepreneurs to survive in this critical situation of Omicron and lets help each other what we do during christmas and thanksgiving days.

Do not forget that the almighty is always looking to all our deeds (not document of Deed as in Warranty Deed) but your Karmas.

Let their be no boundaries to humanity and let everyone have enough to survive and let their be a healthy competition between humanity and not business as the whole life we were just after earning and earning more and more.

What could one do if they have all the wealth of world but unable to give life to their loved ones?

 Wealth can not buy you life or good health.

It's Better to be Human then being sweeped away by a tiny virus(Omicron).

Please follow necessary health tips and cleanliness of yourself and your heart.

 It's better to be an open hearted person then being the heart opened by a surgen.

That was all I have to say.

I Wish you a Healthy New 2022 Year.

Jon Wilkins 

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Re: Covid Relief during Omicron - William Duncan/SC
1/11/2022 9:04:41 AM (1854 views)
Re: Covid Relief during Omicron - Jon Wilkins/TX
1/11/2022 11:13:51 AM (1662 views)
Re: Covid Relief during Omicron - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
1/17/2022 9:17:19 AM (1558 views)
Re: Covid Relief during Omicron - Jon Wilkins/TX
1/17/2022 12:31:50 PM (1588 views)
Re: Covid Relief during Omicron - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
1/17/2022 12:37:18 PM (1551 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of FirstPoint Solutions - Deb Dartois/NV (2 replies)
1/3/2022 9:51:51 AM (1382 views)

[+] For the record... - William Duncan/SC (3 replies)
12/28/2021 11:20:30 AM (1580 views)

[+] Has anyone heard of V-xcel - Stephenie Page/RI (3 replies)
12/28/2021 10:59:49 AM (1141 views)

[+] What I want to see for Christmas and 2022 - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (1 reply)
12/21/2021 4:28:54 PM (1376 views)

[+] IAbstract.com - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
12/20/2021 3:14:19 PM (1174 views)

[+] AFX LLC - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA (9 replies)
12/20/2021 1:53:35 PM (3880 views)

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