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[+] Wholesale Title Solutions LLC - Karen Knuth/FL (2 replies)
3/21/2022 3:02:16 PM (1653 views)

[+] SoCal - Jolene Crofoot/MN (3 replies)
3/21/2022 12:50:29 PM (1534 views)

[+] Easydocs123 - Susan Dustin/WV (11 replies)
3/21/2022 8:15:01 AM (4026 views)

[+] has any examiner had difficulty getting paid by MGB DOCS from Illinois? - Emily Matos/NY (3 replies)
3/11/2022 7:36:14 PM (1747 views)

[+] Due Diligence: Real T Solutions - William Duncan/SC (11 replies)
3/11/2022 9:12:11 AM (1913 views)

[+] Syscon - KATHY RAY/AL (2 replies)
3/10/2022 3:42:30 PM (1422 views)

Difficulty Abstracting in Monroe County NY - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
3/8/2022 10:12:07 AM (1212 views)

[+] Who is Working for Minimum Wage? - Bruce Lutz/PA (7 replies)
3/3/2022 11:01:01 PM (1651 views)

Thank you all - William Duncan/SC
2/25/2022 12:57:34 PM (1203 views)

[-] Notary responsibilities in New York - Rita Killary/NY (14 replies)
2/13/2022 9:00:02 AM (1488 views)

I am an Abstractor/Notary, serving NY and have done  many closings over the past 25 years, always just witnessing the signatures and sending the closing docs to their destinations...My daughter is a Notary as well, and did many closings in West Virginia before she moved up here to NY a couple of years ago...She lives south of Albany, making it easy for her to do mobile closings, both in the Albany area, as well as the NYC area...My questions and concerns for her are...She has been asked to do "preliminary mark-ups" on the legals and collect the checks...I was never asked to do either one...Is this something new...?  I was under the impression that both were the title company's responsibilities...  Am I being an over-protective Mom/Notary...?  I just don't want her to get sued...

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Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - george Hubka/MI
3/1/2022 10:01:35 PM (2080 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Rita Killary/NY
3/2/2022 5:12:12 PM (2005 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Randi Erickson/MN
3/2/2022 11:39:19 AM (2004 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Rita Killary/NY
3/2/2022 5:16:56 PM (2080 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - george Hubka/MI
3/2/2022 6:26:09 PM (2035 views)
Marking up Binders at Closing - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/7/2022 11:07:38 AM (1998 views)
Re: Marking up Binders at Closing - Rita Killary/NY
3/7/2022 11:49:47 AM (2011 views)
Re: Marking up Binders at Closing - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/7/2022 12:03:29 PM (1936 views)
Re: Marking up Binders at Closing - Rita Killary/NY
3/7/2022 12:14:10 PM (1958 views)
Re: Marking up Binders at Closing - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/7/2022 12:22:26 PM (1963 views)
Re: Marking up Binders at Closing - Rita Killary/NY
3/7/2022 12:26:12 PM (1931 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Jeanine Johnson/MN
3/14/2022 4:53:10 PM (1868 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Jeanine Johnson/MN
3/14/2022 4:53:12 PM (1836 views)
Re: Notary responsibilities in New York - Rita Killary/NY
3/14/2022 5:29:43 PM (1848 views)

[+] Datashrubs, LLC - Ted Williamson/TX (5 replies)
2/10/2022 9:10:56 PM (1789 views)

[+] Nick Jones - Mayura Inc - William Duncan/SC (3 replies)
2/8/2022 11:57:01 AM (1425 views)

[+] Comment on "Upper Marlboro Woman Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud in Connection with Mortgage Fraud Scheme" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
1/31/2022 9:38:08 AM (3335 views)

[+] DILLIGENCE CHECK: - William Duncan/SC (7 replies)
1/28/2022 12:02:53 PM (2118 views)

[+] Disregard - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
1/28/2022 9:33:57 AM (1455 views)

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