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[+] ANS Title Solutions of California - Cynthia  Shafer/PA (2 replies)
9/12/2023 10:24:19 AM (747 views)

[+] How come no CA Abstractors!? - DB Title Solutions/CA (6 replies)
9/7/2023 10:57:07 PM (1069 views)

[+] Avanze- NO pay - athira Nithin/DE (11 replies)
9/6/2023 7:48:36 AM (1037 views)

[+] RealMount Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
9/5/2023 10:49:35 AM (757 views)

[-] NW Montana Land Scandal Reaches All the Way to Montana Supreme Court - Randi Erickson/MN (1 reply)
9/4/2023 5:08:39 PM (829 views)

If you ever read anything.. in your field of work and why licensing and insurance count, along with all the regulations in place for protection of the end consumer, you should read this.  beginning how equity theft is happening across the country.  This is Montana's largest on a mass scale of involvement to the highest levels in court.  Treat all of your files like you will be there in a testimony/court too.  I repeat this investigators words:

V. FINDINGS (pg 81 of 92)
 I have come to conclude that several employees at WCU hatched and engaged in a complicated criminal conspiracy (involving judges, lawyers, at least one land developer, appraisers, officials, and more), which began with the Conversion (theft) of Dennis and Donna Thornton's, and Thorco Inc.'s, real property. I very earnestly believe this could be the largest criminal conspiracy case, involving a Credit Union, in Montana's history. I assert that Dennis and Donna were targeted solely and specifically for their Equity rich land, in which these WCU Agents and conspirators, using unconventional channels-processes-and procedures, could strip said Equity for their own very personal gain. Subsequently, these bad actors supported their initial conversion in-part with: racketeering, counterfeiting, money laundering, fraud on the court, creating and dealing in fictitious obligations.
I credit this article to James White at North West Liberty News, who followed it all the way thru.  Read the finding here: Gerald-Fritts-Expert-Witness-Report.pdf (northwestlibertynews.com)

 Subscribe to North West Liberty News They All Got Caught! NW Montana Land Scandal Reaches All the Way to Montana Supreme Court - NorthWest Liberty News

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Re: NW Montana Land Scandal Reaches All the Way to Montana Supreme Court - Victoria  Wertz/GA
9/5/2023 8:41:13 AM (906 views)

Real Title Services

[+] "Out of office" messages - Ben Wilczynski/PA (8 replies)
8/31/2023 6:27:35 PM (1316 views)

[+] Sure2Balance - Sherry Greene/MI (7 replies)
8/30/2023 9:17:17 AM (799 views)

[+] Uniting for Fair Compensation: Taking a Stand Regarding Outstanding Debt with Avanze- NO Pay - athira Nithin/DE (2 replies)
8/29/2023 2:16:34 AM (764 views)

8/26/2023 12:46:20 PM (785 views)

[+] E&O REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAMINING? - Heidi Gemeling/FL (3 replies)
8/26/2023 12:42:52 PM (1052 views)

[+] VKM Title - Diane Sherrill/SC (8 replies)
8/25/2023 6:48:47 AM (1758 views)

[+] Cornerstone Abstracts and Title Service Nashville - Christopher Slone/KY (1 reply)
8/24/2023 6:56:59 PM (985 views)

[+] IDA Automation - Tammy Barrett/FL (5 replies)
8/23/2023 11:41:49 AM (833 views)

[+] Court house copies in NC - Patty  Baber/FL (5 replies)
8/17/2023 2:13:26 PM (929 views)

[+] What do you do about fraud? - Patty  Baber/FL (14 replies)
8/17/2023 1:41:24 PM (910 views)

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