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12/27/2023 3:54:22 PM (707 views)

[+] Parnet LLC ? - Dianne Barnidge/MS (4 replies)
12/27/2023 3:54:01 PM (727 views)

[+] Procure Title? - Dianne Barnidge/MS (4 replies)
12/27/2023 3:44:20 PM (766 views)

[+] New Mexico Dilemma - Kurt deVries/FL (2 replies)
12/27/2023 12:18:38 PM (878 views)

[+] Avanze PAID - nita  farrow/FL (1 reply)
12/27/2023 11:53:23 AM (627 views)

Real Title Services

TIVAS INFO - Michael Rosing/IL
12/26/2023 9:49:34 AM (457 views)

[+] SECONDARY REQUESTS - Michael Rosing/IL (9 replies)
12/21/2023 11:57:02 AM (902 views)

[+] First American Down - Darren Miller/CA (8 replies)
12/20/2023 5:41:13 PM (1220 views)

[+] SoCal - W. Dean Crawford/AL (7 replies)
12/20/2023 3:59:04 PM (662 views)

[-] Cushman Abstracting - Tabatha Mack/OH (10 replies)
12/19/2023 5:26:35 PM (740 views)

I, too, was taken.  I believe this is possibly a case of stolen identity and a scheme to get search work for free.

I attempted due diligence, as others that have posted about Cushman here.  I found no ill information about the "company." In need of additional work, I completed a handful of searches end of October, beginning of November... out a lot of time and fees for subscriptions and copies.  I was promised payment and have been lied to more than once that payment has been mailed.

The contact information I had was:

Lynn Cushman, Cushman Abstracting, 606-767-3306

After being ghosted to my most recent emails, I called this number today.  The Lynn Cushman that I spoke with was genuinely confused.  As we continued our discussion, the puzzle pieces seemed to come together:

Lynn misplaced her purse, containing her driver's license near the end of October.  Since, she has experienced some instances of what appear to be identity theft, and this appears to be one of them. She told me that she's been receiving calls from people that say they have spoken to her previously, but she has never spoken with them.  The Lynn Cushman I spoke to has never has an abstracting business.  She and her husband are truck drivers.  

My guess is that "Cushman Abstracting" is some of our friends from India, using her name, address, and phone number as a company front, getting searches from all of us for FREE!  

BEWARE, friends!


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Re: Cushman Abstracting - Ryan Your Future Vendor Manager/FL
12/19/2023 6:47:06 PM (818 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Melissa Rivera/FL
12/20/2023 3:32:43 PM (636 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Tabatha Mack/OH
12/20/2023 3:52:01 PM (617 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Melissa Rivera/FL
12/20/2023 4:02:12 PM (632 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Melissa Rivera/FL
12/20/2023 4:02:14 PM (610 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - george Hubka/MI
1/2/2024 7:13:24 PM (596 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Ryan Your Future Vendor Manager/FL
12/19/2023 8:01:14 PM (644 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Tabatha Mack/OH
12/19/2023 9:52:11 PM (671 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - Kurt deVries/FL
12/20/2023 3:43:51 PM (624 views)
Re: Cushman Abstracting - george Hubka/MI
1/2/2024 7:14:47 PM (569 views)

[+] Question on Gap Searches - Melissa Rivera/FL (4 replies)
12/18/2023 2:19:00 PM (719 views)

[+] additional work - abstractor services/KY (5 replies)
12/18/2023 11:01:59 AM (819 views)

[+] Sky One Title Services LLC - Serena Stout/VA (2 replies)
12/15/2023 12:46:24 PM (853 views)

[+] fed news - Alejandro Cabrera/FL (2 replies)
12/14/2023 8:41:44 AM (812 views)

[+] BEWARE OF CUSHMAN ABSTRACTING - Ryan Your Future Vendor Manager/FL (10 replies)
12/12/2023 3:38:33 PM (1004 views)

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