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[+] Ameristar - Alix Ott/MI (4 replies)
1/23/2024 9:05:47 PM (1100 views)

[+] LINKEDIN - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
1/19/2024 11:30:42 AM (970 views)

[+] $300 million dollar mistake and mining - Randi Erickson/MN (1 reply)
1/17/2024 11:02:57 AM (953 views)

OPINIONS BEST - Michael Rosing/IL
1/17/2024 11:01:08 AM (630 views)

[+] Another Errors and Omissions query - Judy Maclauchlan/NY (8 replies)
1/17/2024 9:12:00 AM (1027 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Ambit Abstract - Terri Hoops/PA (9 replies)
1/12/2024 4:51:39 PM (1158 views)

[+] SWAJAY BUSINESS SERVICES - Michael Rosing/IL (16 replies)
1/12/2024 1:36:51 PM (967 views)

[+] DB Title Solutions/David Lacher - Jason Knowles/AL (5 replies)
1/10/2024 4:36:52 PM (932 views)

[+] Procure Title - Rita Killary/NY (4 replies)
1/10/2024 11:40:28 AM (902 views)

[+] Concerning not getting paid - Christopher Mayer/VA (3 replies)
1/4/2024 6:14:43 PM (1302 views)

[+] PAID - Daryl Golinski/PA (1 reply)
1/4/2024 4:07:05 PM (809 views)

[+] Cloudnine Title Services - Diane Sherrill/SC (6 replies)
1/4/2024 9:51:29 AM (979 views)

[-] Avanze - Kristen Parsons/TX (5 replies)
1/3/2024 5:56:56 PM (770 views)

We received an email on November 3rd with a payment plan, it was to start on December 1st with a payment each week. Along with the payment plan was a note from Kamal Ninje stating he would keep me apprised of all payments until they were caught up. Needless to say, there were no payments made in December and neither Kamal, Vinod or Mahalakshmi have returned any emails or calls since. If those of you who have received any payments have any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. We sent them the option today to pay by credit card, but still no response.

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Re: Avanze - Mike Gottardi/TX
1/4/2024 6:51:19 PM (684 views)
Re: Avanze - Kristen Parsons/TX
1/5/2024 8:03:36 AM (819 views)
1/19/2024 10:32:27 AM (517 views)
Re: Avanze - george Hubka/MI
1/30/2024 6:15:33 PM (533 views)
Re: Avanze - nita  farrow/FL
2/5/2024 5:16:45 PM (430 views)

[+] Thinksmart Info Solutions - Becky Cantrall/NC (5 replies)
1/3/2024 10:18:06 AM (794 views)

[+] BLUE TITLE 365 - Michael Rosing/IL (2 replies)
1/2/2024 10:10:49 AM (841 views)

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