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[+] summary and documents, documents and summary - Ben Wilczynski/PA (10 replies)
6/27/2024 9:55:22 AM (1366 views)

[+] CCOST OF A COMMERICAL SEARCH - Saundra  Scott/MD (3 replies)
6/24/2024 9:01:01 PM (1489 views)

6/24/2024 9:00:59 PM (859 views)

[+] SKY ONE TITLE SERVICES - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/20/2024 10:20:37 AM (1011 views)

[+] PLATOON TITLE SERVICES - Michael Rosing/IL (3 replies)
6/18/2024 2:13:38 PM (1222 views)

[+] Foreclosures - Kurt deVries/FL (5 replies)
6/17/2024 1:43:26 PM (1384 views)

[+] S.3402 - End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act - Scott Perry/PA (7 replies)
6/10/2024 8:58:55 PM (873 views)

IN THE QUEUE - Michael Rosing/IL
6/7/2024 11:24:57 AM (802 views)

POSTS - Michael Rosing/IL
6/4/2024 8:29:28 AM (782 views)

[+] Cornerstone abstracts - Randi Erickson/MN (13 replies)
5/16/2024 11:38:31 AM (1965 views)

AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL
5/13/2024 10:04:38 PM (997 views)

[+] Cloud Nine Title - Nancy  Jones/PA (8 replies)
5/11/2024 11:31:08 AM (1230 views)

[+] Old Volusia county FL - Paula Reynolds/FL (7 replies)
5/10/2024 3:13:12 PM (956 views)

[+] Cleaning Up Title - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
5/10/2024 9:41:24 AM (1483 views)

[-] TITLE TECHNIQ - Michael Rosing/IL (5 replies)
5/6/2024 11:48:36 AM (824 views)

Props to the 2 individuals who contacted me via private call and email. Appears the address depicted on their website a front for an "office" in Wyoming. Techniq not the only firm loosely operating out of this building. Been told 100's conduct business there as well as at other commercial buildings throughout Wyoming. Why ? Because of its' relaxed laws. Delaware and Florida too. Avoid signing up as agents for them. These clowns set up shop to undercut us and send the proverbial sloppy seconds to clean up messes. Enhance elite title searchers my candy ass. Taking work away from legal citizens here in the United States. But the bigger problem in this industry is when title companies  continue to send their orders overseas. Only destroying our country. Perhaps those send work to them move there. Work for pennies live in perpetual poverty. 

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Re: TITLE TECHNIQ - Rita Killary/NY
5/8/2024 11:15:02 AM (1069 views)
Re: TITLE TECHNIQ - Michael Rosing/IL
5/8/2024 11:17:08 AM (951 views)
Re: TITLE TECHNIQ - Rita Killary/NY
5/8/2024 11:21:48 AM (972 views)
Re: TITLE TECHNIQ - Kurt deVries/FL
5/8/2024 1:59:31 PM (998 views)
Re: TITLE TECHNIQ - Rita Killary/NY
5/8/2024 4:55:34 PM (987 views)

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