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[+] Platoon Title Services Non-Payer - Tonya Cianci/RI (8 replies)
9/16/2024 11:41:24 AM (862 views)

[+] Data Source LLC Non Payer - Sky Peterson/PA (12 replies)
9/13/2024 9:32:12 AM (801 views)

[+] BELMONT TITLE OHIO - Michael Rosing/IL (2 replies)
9/11/2024 9:34:14 AM (605 views)

[+] Courthouse decorum - stephen willard/OH (22 replies)
9/5/2024 7:35:43 AM (1263 views)

[+] DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL FEE - Saundra  Scott/MD (5 replies)
9/4/2024 5:17:52 PM (1256 views)

Lendserv National Title Payment - jess barker/IL
8/30/2024 10:05:04 AM (552 views)

[+] FISHING - Michael Rosing/IL (2 replies)
8/26/2024 3:19:13 PM (750 views)

[+] Cornerstone Abstract & Title - Nancy  Jones/PA (4 replies)
8/19/2024 10:54:33 AM (846 views)

[+] PROWESS TITLE - Michael Rosing/IL (4 replies)
8/19/2024 9:45:15 AM (738 views)

OUTAMATION - Michael Rosing/IL
8/14/2024 9:50:12 PM (617 views)

New York sales taxes? - Patty Baber/CA
8/14/2024 2:20:02 PM (466 views)

[+] I wasn't born yesterday - Ben Wilczynski/PA (11 replies)
8/12/2024 2:32:08 PM (1435 views)

[+] Express Abstracting & Title Services LLC - NO PAY - Darren Miller/CA (2 replies)
7/30/2024 3:59:14 PM (852 views)

[-] Abstractor Software - Scott Smith/PA (1 reply)
7/30/2024 10:10:09 AM (993 views)

We had been searching for a system that would allow us to organize our searches and generate consistent reports for over a decade. About 4 months ago, we came across RDS and it has proven to be exactly what we were looking for. 

Manages our clients and allows them to order searches via the Client Portal and process them efficiently and accurately. It has literally cut our turnaround times in half. If you use vendors, it will order the searches and also allow vendors to input the search directly into the system.

Manages our search data and images so we can easily access everything we need.

The team at RDS has been very accommodating to our needs and are great to work with. Denise is always responsive and understanding to how we process our work.

If you are looking for a system to process your searches, Clients and Vendors, I recommend you contact them!

Real Document Solutions | Order & Vendor Management Software (


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Re: Abstractor Software - Denise Williams/MO
7/31/2024 8:52:12 AM (754 views)

[+] Title Insurance Misconceptions - Angela Sharp/CA (2 replies)
7/22/2024 6:02:30 PM (760 views)

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