My experience is different, in that the price of a title search hasn't changed much from the 90's up to today. We are in a mess and yes pricing could be an issue, but only because the title search community refuses to put a real value on the product. The clients are dictating the quality and fee, not the researchers themselves. We are the professionals and should feel free to price based on the value of the product. Most Examiners are self insured against Errors & Omissions too, essentially the product is already insured for the client. We are a professional industry, that produces a quality product that protects the consumer yet not regarded as such. We're not seen because we are not united. If Abstractors united we could create a culture where opening another Researchers briefcase is not acceptable behavior. I'm curious, what could an Association offer to help your business? If you could change something big about the current professional culture, what would it be?
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