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[+] Remote Online Notary Vendors - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
3/31/2021 11:24:43 AM (1284 views)

Abstract Software - Tony Costa/LA
3/29/2021 9:45:32 AM (1181 views)

SiteSolutionsService: ...really!?... - William Duncan/SC
3/26/2021 10:46:12 AM (1155 views)

There: FIXED! - William Duncan/SC
3/25/2021 9:33:06 AM (1209 views)

[+] Abstractor Pro software - Kurt deVries/FL (9 replies)
3/23/2021 2:55:25 PM (2030 views)

Real Title Services

[+] ...Really...? - William Duncan/SC (6 replies)
3/22/2021 4:01:06 PM (1607 views)

[-] "Title theft" myth persists - Alix Ott/MI (8 replies)
3/17/2021 6:53:36 AM (1729 views)

I get a newsletter (ripmcintosh@msn.com -- mostly political stuff) that had an interesting article about title theft.  I can't post a link here because of how the newsletter is embedded but I have it saved as a pdf and can send it to you if you like.  Here are the first couple/three paragraphs.  (email my personal email at   alixott@gmail.com if you'd like a copy)

 “Title theft” myth persists, but mongers of “protection” against it have slightly improved their mislabeled product
By: William Maffucci,
March 15, 2021

Two years ago, William Maffucci, a real-estate lawyer with Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia, LLC, exposed on these pages the myth of “title theft” — i.e., the concept that a criminal could “steal” a house by simply forging the owner’s name on a deed, then “drain the equity” in the house by defrauding a mortgage lender into loaning money against the house, and thus force the actual owner to repay the loan or lose the home through foreclosure [Read the original article here]

Since then, other commentators have joined Maffucci in debunking the myth of “title theft.”

Smart Business spoke with Maffucci to find out how — if at all — the providers of “title lock” protection have reacted.


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Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Becky Schweitzer/OH
3/22/2021 9:58:58 AM (2133 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Kurt deVries/FL
3/22/2021 1:32:56 PM (1755 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/22/2021 2:19:13 PM (1704 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - george Hubka/MI
3/23/2021 4:40:23 PM (1641 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/23/2021 6:14:28 PM (1595 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - george Hubka/MI
3/23/2021 10:35:59 PM (1613 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/24/2021 12:26:20 PM (1571 views)
Re: "Title theft" myth persists - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/24/2021 12:26:22 PM (1677 views)

[+] Abstractor Watchdog - DEBRA ALLEN/KS (10 replies)
3/16/2021 11:46:52 AM (2303 views)

[+] Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - William Duncan/CA (5 replies)
2/28/2021 1:22:49 PM (1332 views)

GOOD DAY - William Duncan/CA
2/23/2021 10:24:06 AM (1769 views)

[+] Blue Title 365 - Serena Stout/VA (6 replies)
2/18/2021 10:07:48 AM (2142 views)

Need probate atty in Orlando FL - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
2/15/2021 12:36:16 PM (1494 views)

[+] JG Weiss Research - Roberta Dean/IN (4 replies)
2/14/2021 8:46:25 PM (1891 views)

[+] CPI Data - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
2/12/2021 8:45:43 AM (1482 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies, LLC - Joni Bargel/MN (7 replies)
2/9/2021 1:51:41 PM (1564 views)

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