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[+] Re: Quit Using QCDs - Jeanine Johnson/MN (1 reply)
2/20/2023 8:34:26 AM (1226 views)

[-] You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - Robert Franco/OH (5 replies)
2/19/2023 11:08:59 AM (1263 views)

Please think before you post - you cannot delete your posts, as is evident from the lack of a "delete" button.  

What this means, is that you should not post something about another person or business with the expectation that it will "get their attention" so you can leverage them into paying you in return for your promise to delete the comment.  You will not be able to delete it. 

As a policy matter, we do not delete or edit posts when you decide that "it has served it purpose" and you no longer need it.  If you don't want it to remain public, do not post it! 


Robert A. Franco, J.D., LL.M.

to post a reply: login - or - register

Re: You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - george Hubka/MI
2/20/2023 5:38:07 PM (1262 views)
Re: You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - Constance Foye/VA
2/21/2023 1:09:53 PM (1464 views)
Re: You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
2/27/2023 10:16:15 AM (1172 views)
Re: You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - Constance Foye/VA
2/27/2023 10:45:05 AM (1132 views)
Re: You Cannot Delete Forum Posts - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
2/27/2023 10:56:48 AM (1192 views)

[+] NON PAYMENT: American Title Research, Dale Nickel - Angela Sharp/CA (3 replies)
2/16/2023 1:04:34 PM (1223 views)

NON PAYMENT: Leader Settlement Services LLC James Vassallo - Angela Sharp/CA
2/13/2023 11:10:48 PM (1131 views)

[+] SN Title - Julia Cutshall/PA (1 reply)
2/13/2023 1:09:41 PM (1036 views)

Real Title Services

[+] NATIONWIDE ABSTRAX - Kelly LaForce/MN (8 replies)
2/10/2023 8:51:24 AM (1686 views)

[+] Title Services Direct - Misty Ireland/WA (11 replies)
2/9/2023 5:35:35 PM (1430 views)

[+] Stellar Innovative Solutions - Bryce L/UT (14 replies)
2/8/2023 1:28:54 PM (1673 views)

[+] Does Missouri Require Abstractors to be Licensed? - Jay Duncan/MO (15 replies)
2/6/2023 7:44:51 AM (1333 views)

[+] CHEAP FLAT FEES PART II - Michael Rosing/IL (7 replies)
1/31/2023 9:23:28 AM (1402 views)

[+] CHEAP FLAT FEES - Michael Rosing/IL (6 replies)
1/27/2023 1:30:47 PM (1617 views)

[+] Hiring in NY - Dan Zook/NY (9 replies)
1/26/2023 1:15:54 PM (1215 views)

[+] Corelogic - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
1/26/2023 12:36:38 PM (1368 views)

[+] Title Direct Services - Becky Vigneault/VT (5 replies)
1/24/2023 9:48:54 AM (1306 views)

[+] Quotes - Arlene Nelson/NY (7 replies)
1/23/2023 12:43:14 PM (1924 views)

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