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SanRit Technologies - No Pay - Patty Baber/CA
5/9/2023 1:15:26 PM (687 views)

[+] Stellar Innovations - Randi Erickson/MN (6 replies)
5/8/2023 4:58:40 PM (1186 views)

[+] Avanze - Jay Duncan/MO (5 replies)
5/8/2023 10:01:57 AM (920 views)

[+] At Home Title MN - Regina  Engebritson/MN (3 replies)
5/5/2023 8:04:08 AM (849 views)

[+] Infinity International Processing Services NO PAY - Patty Baber/CA (7 replies)
5/3/2023 2:25:10 PM (831 views)

Real Title Services

[+] AVANZE NON-PAYMENT - Mike Gottardi/TX (2 replies)
5/1/2023 6:57:05 PM (924 views)

4/27/2023 1:51:35 PM (967 views)

[+] LIFELINE - John Smith/FL (11 replies)
4/18/2023 12:05:23 PM (1582 views)

[+] VKMTitle - Rita Killary/NY (7 replies)
4/12/2023 12:36:18 PM (1247 views)

[+] Sepeda Title & Abstracting - Jason Knowles/AL (8 replies)
4/11/2023 11:50:33 AM (1281 views)

[+] stellar innovations - Julie Henderson/FL (42 replies)
4/5/2023 2:47:34 PM (2037 views)

[+] Data Research Inc./DRI - Nisseem Froehlich/OR (12 replies)
3/30/2023 2:50:07 PM (1409 views)

[-] Off shore title search pricing - Kurt deVries/FL (17 replies)
3/28/2023 1:56:19 PM (2189 views)

Here is a great example of why we're losing work to offshore companies. Especially states and counties that are online. I was just sent these prices through email from a company trying to get me to send them work.

 Current Owner Search - $8
Two Owners Search - $10
Full Search - $15
Update - $3

This was for multiple states most of which we currently search in. A full search for $15? Now most of you will say you / we offer better quality; which I would generally agree with, however, for the big 4 ordering 10,000 + a month they figure the savings outweighs the risk. Another 3-4 years and we'll be obsolete in states that offer online records. 

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Re: Off shore title search pricing - Michael Rosing/IL
3/28/2023 2:27:13 PM (1563 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Kurt deVries/FL
3/28/2023 2:31:21 PM (1541 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Jay Duncan/MO
3/28/2023 2:58:18 PM (1506 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Kurt deVries/FL
3/29/2023 12:55:50 PM (1592 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/18/2023 7:38:35 AM (1160 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Michael Rosing/IL
4/18/2023 1:04:26 PM (1097 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Samuel Shumate/VA
10/27/2023 10:38:56 AM (516 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
4/3/2023 11:06:52 AM (1343 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Kurt deVries/FL
4/4/2023 11:04:45 AM (1210 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
4/4/2023 11:36:08 AM (1245 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Julie Henderson/FL
4/10/2023 8:39:49 AM (1241 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
4/3/2023 11:07:41 AM (1386 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
4/3/2023 11:48:43 AM (1289 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Ted Woloszyk/LA
4/3/2023 11:37:57 AM (1316 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Paula Reynolds/FL
4/3/2023 8:48:08 PM (1381 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - Ron Haynes/MD
4/17/2023 6:48:11 PM (1122 views)
Re: Off shore title search pricing - CYNTHIA DICUS/MD
5/26/2023 6:34:38 PM (941 views)

[+] Coforge ? Any reports ? - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA (2 replies)
3/27/2023 8:17:50 PM (1105 views)

[+] Gloucester, NJ – Daniel’s Law - Paul Davenport/NJ (22 replies)
3/27/2023 2:30:54 PM (1735 views)

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