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[+] Avanze - Jay Duncan/MO (11 replies)
7/6/2023 8:32:53 AM (1191 views)

[+] Honor Title Search? - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
7/3/2023 5:50:13 PM (1085 views)

[+] IN COUNTY SEARCHING - Michael Rosing/IL (6 replies)
7/3/2023 3:34:48 PM (1652 views)

[+] NON PAYER BEWARE - COMEXPINC - Martha  Lemoine/LA (5 replies)
6/27/2023 1:24:11 PM (1077 views)

[+] Mac Pro - Kurt deVries/FL (10 replies)
6/26/2023 3:43:47 PM (1154 views)

[+] Time to update those forms! - Ben Wilczynski/PA (1 reply)
6/26/2023 1:39:43 AM (1148 views)

[+] CAUTION - LendServ National Title - Aaron  Kosola/MN (3 replies)
6/22/2023 4:10:38 PM (1116 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax again - Patty Baber/CA (6 replies)
6/22/2023 2:39:58 PM (1281 views)

[+] ABSTRACTORS IN NORTH OR SOUTH DAKOTA? - Mike Gottardi/TX (5 replies)
6/20/2023 5:50:53 PM (1074 views)

[+] Nationwide Abstrax Andrew Michelson - Patty Baber/CA (4 replies)
6/20/2023 9:17:38 AM (1363 views)

[+] NEVER ENDING AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/13/2023 1:25:01 PM (1311 views)

[+] Stellar Innovations - John Rawlings/WI (17 replies)
6/12/2023 4:21:18 PM (1821 views)

Thank you - SOT - Tom Martin/MA
6/10/2023 2:52:01 AM (1035 views)

[+] AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
6/9/2023 1:19:47 PM (1319 views)

[-] Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Misty Ireland/WA (9 replies)
6/7/2023 5:04:15 PM (1318 views)
James O'Connell stated in his post (2-21-23) that Title Services Direct did in fact go out of business, however he would take full responsibility for making things right with all of us who had done work for him and are still owed money. Since, James has stopped answering emails, calls/texts, sending payments and has informed us he has no money to do so. Claudia (a local abstractor) was sent a check for $118.50 that bounced, which in turn cost her additional bank fees. Claudia contacted James in regards to the bounced check, and also stated that she is aware that he owes her daughter, from MI Abstractors Inc. quite a bit of money. He then got very angry and started yelling at her, rambling about no income, can't even get a job as a garbage man, and can't file for bankruptcy, which he'd previously stated to us he was in the process of doing.
We, MI Abstractors Inc. have unpaid invoices dating back to June of 2022 and totaling over $5000.00. James keeps making excuses and playing the victim, stating he is being "thrown under the bus" and "kicking people while they are down is not cool". The fact of the matter is that we did the work for his company and he has an obligation to pay us what he owes us. We are not trying to do anything except collect what is rightfully ours. Nonetheless we want others to know of our situation so they can take caution in doing business with this man. Beware, he is already trying to start another business venture down in Texas and doesn't have a plan of action to make right with this last failed business.
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Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - george Hubka/MI
6/12/2023 1:24:58 PM (1109 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Misty Ireland/WA
6/12/2023 1:32:05 PM (1092 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - george Hubka/MI
6/12/2023 1:54:22 PM (1121 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Misty Ireland/WA
6/12/2023 1:59:12 PM (1045 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - george Hubka/MI
6/12/2023 2:01:54 PM (1128 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Misty Ireland/WA
6/12/2023 2:09:15 PM (1071 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - george Hubka/MI
6/12/2023 2:23:02 PM (1118 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Rahul Nair/AK
6/12/2023 4:56:17 PM (1199 views)
Re: Title Services Direct - James O'Connell - Rahul Nair/AK
6/12/2023 5:20:26 PM (1284 views)

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