Good day to all. After doing business for many years with the company called DocHunters, I need to post they have become a company you may want to reconsider doing business with them They have refused to pay a now 90+ day overdue invoice because they cannot collect from their client. It is only $42.00 they owe us, but refuse to pay. They paid the services part of the invoice but didn't pay the copy fees portion of the invoice. Something they had never done in the past. They just misread the invoice. But now since they only billed their client for the services portion and can't bill them the outstanding $42.00, they expect us to eat that amount. The representative we have been dealing with, has been unreasonable and also doesn't understand the different levels of copy fees that County Recorder charges. They charge one fee for in person copies and a greater fee ($2.00 per page) to have copies sent to our office. DocHunters needed / wanted the copies asap and I informed them in advance of the $2.00 per page fee, which the same representative approved. Now they are a non-paying client.
If you are still doing business with DocHunters, beware.
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