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California Bay Area update - Dana Zook/CA
12/7/2020 1:08:45 PM (1509 views)

COMMFORCE - NO PAY - Angela Sharp/CA
11/23/2020 7:30:38 PM (1907 views)

[+] DB Title - Carlyle Millard/WV (3 replies)
11/17/2020 1:36:54 PM (1884 views)

[+] Los Angeles? - Dan Zook/NY (6 replies)
11/16/2020 10:51:51 AM (1705 views)

[+] Auro Title Solutions - Richard  Miller/MS (2 replies)
11/16/2020 2:27:05 AM (1668 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Joy It Consulting??? - Jay Duncan/MO (7 replies)
11/9/2020 3:08:58 PM (1948 views)

[+] E&O - Fox Point - Gwynne Anderson-Beck/IL (2 replies)
11/9/2020 11:40:57 AM (1828 views)

[+] How is everyone doing? - William Duncan/CA (3 replies)
11/4/2020 10:58:13 AM (2267 views)

[+] America's Settlement Company - MIke Bogart/FL (4 replies)
10/27/2020 11:26:49 AM (2366 views)

[+] Doc90 Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO (3 replies)
10/22/2020 10:39:02 PM (1941 views)

[+] REAL TITLE SERVICES - Saundra  Scott/MD (14 replies)
10/19/2020 2:02:22 PM (2839 views)

[+] Canada Title Search - Vaniyankuni Zree/MD (1 reply)
10/16/2020 4:54:09 AM (1878 views)

[-] Social Media Marketing - Jeanine Johnson/MN (10 replies)
10/13/2020 1:08:23 PM (2075 views)

If you have not seen Social Dilemma, it is a MUST SEE documentary.  We all live on the internet - Facebook, Tweet, we search, like and share--but what are the consequences of what we post and agree to on social media? I was shocked to learn what is being done to reinforce peoples thoughts and preferences and to keep us hooked on staying online.

Using our preferences based on the cookies they gather (each time we click  "agree") two people doing a search on the same topic will get completely different results, based on what social media algorithms determine we want reinforced in our belief systems and buying preferences.

For example, One person may search " BLM Protests" and come up with peaceful protest and people praying, while another may search "BLM Protests" come up with rioting and people standing outside their home with guns to protect themselves.  It limits what we see and how we understand the world around us.  Please watch and pass it on!

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Re: Social Media Marketing - g h/SC
10/13/2020 4:04:20 PM (1989 views)
Re: Social Media Marketing - Jeanine Johnson/MN
10/13/2020 6:35:14 PM (3638 views)
Re: Social Media Marketing - g h/SC
10/14/2020 7:19:43 AM (1929 views)
Re: Social Media Marketing - Jeanine Johnson/MN
10/17/2020 4:27:36 PM (1880 views)
Re: Social Media Marketing - george Hubka/MI
10/19/2020 2:54:16 PM (1972 views)
Re: Social Media Marketing - Angela Sharp/CA
10/17/2020 3:10:03 PM (1980 views)
Social Media Manipulates Consumers - Jeanine Johnson/MN
10/17/2020 4:37:00 PM (1894 views)
Big Brother is Watching - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/15/2020 10:41:43 AM (1266 views)
Re: Big Brother is Watching and Social Dilemma - Jeanine Johnson/MN
12/15/2020 11:10:40 AM (1680 views)
Re: Big Brother is Watching and Social Dilemma - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/15/2020 11:14:07 AM (1189 views)

[+] Cuyahoga, OH? - Tabatha Mack/OH (2 replies)
10/13/2020 10:22:20 AM (1755 views)

[+] Qualia Marketplace - Smitty Strickland/SC (5 replies)
10/9/2020 10:43:12 AM (3860 views)

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