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[+] It's me again, NALTEA again - Patty  Baber/FL (2 replies)
8/16/2023 4:26:42 PM (1108 views)

[+] Here is why I recommend Real Title Services, Inc. - Terry Ray/OH (7 replies)
8/15/2023 12:16:13 PM (1247 views)

NALTEA meeting today at 2 Eastern - Patty  Baber/FL
8/15/2023 11:16:34 AM (613 views)

[+] Avanze Title No Pay - nita  farrow/FL (23 replies)
8/15/2023 11:13:24 AM (1206 views)

[+] Small mailbox office - george Hubka/MI (4 replies)
8/14/2023 6:53:12 PM (1167 views)

[+] IDA AUTOMATION - Mike Gottardi/TX (4 replies)
8/14/2023 3:46:02 PM (833 views)

8/9/2023 4:47:30 PM (801 views)

[+] Hey, remember NALTEA? - Patty Baber/CA (20 replies)
8/8/2023 6:45:52 PM (1121 views)

8/8/2023 3:44:45 PM (877 views)

[+] DocHunters - stephen willard/OH (30 replies)
8/8/2023 9:15:54 AM (1454 views)

ChatGPT - Patty Baber/CA
8/4/2023 11:37:57 AM (1018 views)

What do you all think of chatGPT?  I asked it today: How do I do a title search?  And here is what I got back -

Performing a title search involves researching the history of a property's ownership records to verify its legal ownership and any potential claims or liens against it. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do a title search:
1. **Understand the Purpose:** Determine the reason for the title search. It could be for a real estate transaction, property development, or to resolve legal issues.
2. **Gather Information:** Collect essential information about the property, such as its address, legal description, or parcel number. This information can usually be found in public records or the property deed.
3. **Visit the County Recorder's Office:** Go to the county or city recorder's office where the property is located. Most of the public records related to the property, including deeds, liens, mortgages, and encumbrances, are filed here.
4. **Search Online Databases:** Some areas offer online access to property records. You can search using the property address, owner's name, or parcel number through the official county or city website.
5. **Examine Title Abstracts or Title Reports:** Title companies or professionals may provide abstracts or reports that summarize the property's title history. These documents can save time and effort in the title search process.
6. **Review Deed Records:** Trace the chain of ownership by examining the property's deed records. Look for grantor/grantee indexes to find transactions related to the property.
7. **Check for Liens and Encumbrances:** Look for any outstanding liens, mortgages, judgments, easements, or other encumbrances that may affect the property's ownership.
8. **Verify Legal Description:** Ensure that the property's legal description matches the details in the title records.
9. **Examine Tax Records:** Review property tax records to check for any unpaid taxes or tax liens on the property.
10. **Search for Pending Litigation:** Check for any ongoing lawsuits or legal disputes involving the property.
11. **Consult with Professionals:** If you are unsure about any part of the title search or need assistance, consider hiring a title company, real estate attorney, or a professional title searcher.
12. **Prepare the Title Report:** Compile all the information gathered during the title search into a comprehensive title report. This report will help identify any issues that need to be addressed before the property's sale or transfer.
Remember, a thorough title search is crucial to ensure a clean and marketable title for the property. It helps prevent potential legal problems and provides peace of mind to buyers, lenders, and property owners.


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[+] Real Doc Search - Jay Duncan/MO (19 replies)
8/2/2023 10:17:31 AM (1286 views)

[+] little barn on the prairie - James Baylon/FL (3 replies)
8/1/2023 12:09:35 PM (1077 views)

[+] What States Requires Abstractors to be Licensed - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
8/1/2023 11:15:45 AM (1276 views)

[+] Ascendant (Cypress Ascendant) - Gregg Hill/FL (1 reply)
7/28/2023 10:52:06 AM (1017 views)

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