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Source of Title Blog : Land Title Associations

Ohio's H.B. 201 Gets My Vote for Worst Bill of the Year
by Robert Franco | 2014/05/06

Yes, I know it is only May.  There is still a lot of time for our legislature to really do something stupid (and I'm sure they will), but I'm pretty confident that H.B. 201 will take the award for Worst Bill of the Year for 2014.  It seeks to greatly expand and codify equitable subrogation, which I have blogged about before. In 2010, I opined that Equitable Subrogation was an Over-used Remedy for Negligence and I applauded an Ohio Supreme Court decision that limited its applicability.  I was particularly pleased with the Court because more than a year earlier I questioned the lower court decision that applied equitable subrogation to bail out the negligent lender. 

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Categories: Abstractors, Huh?, Land Title Associations, Ohio Legislation, Small Agents, Title Industry

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NAILTA's 5th Annual Conference
by Robert Franco | 2012/08/16

The National Association of Independent Land Title Agents is having their 5th Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD, on September 30 - October 2, 2012.  If you are an independent agent, who has been impacted by affiliated business arrangements, you have probably asked yourself "why isn't somebody doing anything about this?"  Well, "somebody" is - NAILTA and several other state associations of independent title agents have been formed to represent people like you.  If you want to know more, go to the NAILTA conference and get involved.

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Categories: Land Title Associations, Small Agents, Title Industry

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OAITA's Monday Conference a Success!
by Robert Franco | 2011/08/11

The Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents held its Fourth Annual Convention on Monday... it was truly excellent.  Not just excellent for an organization only four years old, but excellent by any standard.  Most incredible, was that they had a U.S. Senator speak... and take questions.  More important than anything he said, was what he heard.

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Categories: Abstractors, Land Title Associations, Small Agents, Title Industry

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What's Your Opinion of ALTA's New CEO?
by Robert Franco | 2011/08/02

Last week ALTA announced that CEO Kurt Pfotenhauer was stepping down to take a job in the private sector (at First American).  In his place, ALTA promoted Michelle Korsmo from COO to CEO.  While ALTA touted her experience in its press release, the folks at the Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents (OAITA) have voiced concerns about ALTA's choice.  What do you think?  Was Korsmo a good choice to lead ALTA, or should they still be looking?

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Categories: Land Title Associations, Title Industry

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The OAITA Conference is Coming - August 8, 2011
by Robert Franco | 2011/06/22

The Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents (OAITA) Conference will be August 8, 2011 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Downtown Columbus, Ohio.  The event is sponsored by General Title Insurance Company.  They keynote speaker will be United States Senator Sherrod Brown who will be addressing the role of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the housing and finance industries.  Also, Cuyahoga County, Ohio's Chief Foreclosure Magistrate, Stephen Bucha, III, and Medina County, Ohio Auditor Michael Kovack will be on a panel discussing the troubles with MERS, the foreclosure crisis and the housing industry.  If you can make, I would encourage you to attend.  Sounds like it will be a great conference.

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Categories: Land Title Associations, Title Industry

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This Week's OAITA Conference
by Robert Franco | 2010/04/21

I had the opportunity to attend the Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents (OAITA) Conference in Columbus, Ohio on Monday.  It was a great event with nearly 60 in attendance at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in the Arena District. If the independent agents have a future in the title industry, it lies with the OAITA and similar organizations.

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Categories: Abstractors, Land Title Associations, Opportunities, Small Agents, Title Standards

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Freehold Licensing, NKA Freehold Capital Partners, At It Again
by Robert Franco | 2010/02/27

For more than two years, I have been blogging about private transfer fee covenants and the group that is promoting them, Freehold Licensing.  Freehold has actually attempted to patent their business strategy of creating private transfer fee covenants (a separate act that I find offensive).  The group now has a new name and a new strategy, all evolving while several states and trade organizations are trying to put a stop to private transfer fee covenants.

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Categories: General Interest, Huh?, Land Title Associations, Legislation, Title Problems

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Coming Soon: The Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents Convention
by Robert Franco | 2010/02/18

Ohio independent title agents and abstractors should give serious consideration to attending the Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents' (OAITA) convention on April 19, 2010.  There is finally an association dedicated to addressing the unique concerns of the independent agents and it is worthy of your support.  I'll be there this year and I hope to see a strong turn out from Ohioans!

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Categories: Abstractors, Land Title Associations, Opportunities, Small Agents, Title Industry

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Utterly Disappointed!
by Robert Franco | 2009/09/08

I dropped my membership in ALTA several years ago, but I hadn't completely given up hope on the organization.  I have been watching them to see if they could make me change my mind.  Unfortunately, they have not.  In fact, just the opposite... I am much less likely to re-join now than ever before. 

It appears that ALTA gave up on trying to reinvent itself and show us all that it could represent the small, independent agents along side the underwriters and large agencies.  Rather, they have decided to license the ALTA forms that we all need to conduct our business.  Surely, this is a blatant attempt to get money from agents after they have completely failed to give them any real reason to join. 

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Categories: Abstractors, Land Title Associations, Small Agents

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NAILTA Conference Information
by Robert Franco | 2009/04/02

For those of you who may be unaware, the Ohio Association of Independent Title Agents (OAITA) really got something started with their recent petition for mandamus filed against the Ohio Department of Insurance.  Although the petition was dismissed by the Ohio Supreme Court, it really got people thinking about the state of the industry and the future of independent title agents.  People outside of Ohio even took notice and began to contact the OAITA.  Thus, the National Association of Independent Land Title Agents (NAILTA) was formed. 

As the OAITA prepares for the next step toward addressing the issues presented in the mandamus action, the NAILTA is preparing for its Spring Conference in Atlantic City.  Thus, I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know a little more about the NAILTA and encourage independent agents to attend the conference.

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Categories: Land Title Associations, Small Agents, Title Industry

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Source of Title Blog

Robert A. FrancoThe focus of this blog will be on sharing my thoughts and concerns related to the small title agents and abstractors. The industry has changed dramatically over the past ten years and I believe that we are just seeing the beginning. As the evolution continues, what will become of the many small independent title professionals who have long been the cornerstone of the industry?

Robert A. Franco



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