NAILTA's 5th Annual Conference
by Robert Franco | 2012/08/16
The National Association of Independent Land Title Agents is having their 5th Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD, on September 30 - October 2, 2012. If you are an independent agent, who has been impacted by affiliated business arrangements, you have probably asked yourself "why isn't somebody doing anything about this?" Well, "somebody" is - NAILTA and several other state associations of independent title agents have been formed to represent people like you. If you want to know more, go to the NAILTA conference and get involved.
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Categories: Land Title Associations, Small Agents, Title Industry
Source of Title Blog :: :: |
Utterly Disappointed!
by Robert Franco | 2009/09/08
I dropped my membership in ALTA several years ago, but I hadn't completely given up hope on the organization. I have been watching them to see if they could make me change my mind. Unfortunately, they have not. In fact, just the opposite... I am much less likely to re-join now than ever before.
It appears that ALTA gave up on trying to reinvent itself and show us all that it could represent the small, independent agents along side the underwriters and large agencies. Rather, they have decided to license the ALTA forms that we all need to conduct our business. Surely, this is a blatant attempt to get money from agents after they have completely failed to give them any real reason to join.
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Categories: Abstractors, Land Title Associations, Small Agents
Source of Title Blog :: :: |
It's Time For Honest Competition
by Robert Franco | 2009/08/19
Hardly a week goes by without a news article on the evils of title insurance. They usually allude to the fact that title insurance is over-priced. Some call the fees "mysterious," others cite to the lack of "transparency," and Scott Woolley at Forbes calls title insurance premiums "dubious charges." Lately, they point out that title insurance is a $10 billion dollar industry. Despite ALTA's CEO Kurt Pfotenhauer's statement that "nobody's getting rich" selling title insurance, the media, and the public, aren't buying it.
There is talk about federal regulation and many states have begun taking a hard look at addressing the issue before it comes to that. Maybe something does need to be done, but what is clear is that nobody seems to understand the nature of title insurance or the problems with the current regulations.
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Categories: Competition, RESPA, Small Agents, Title Industry, Title Standards
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Everyone Else Is Doing It...
by Robert Franco | 2009/05/12
Remember the days when Realtors sold homes, banks lent money, and builders built homes? Those were the good old days when title agents did honest-to-God title searches and issued real title insurance. Does anyone miss those times? Now, everyone issues title insurance and nobody really cares about good title searches. And, now, there is a new player interested in getting into the title insurance business... the government. Why not? Everyone else is doing it.
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Categories: Small Agents, Title Industry
Source of Title Blog :: :: |